Human beings were very wisely created by the only wise God. They have their own mind, emotion, and will.
Some possess brilliant minds, some maintain controlled emotions, and some hold a powerful will.
But honestly speaking, it is very seldom that these three aspects of man's soul cooperate with each other.
What the mind thinks doesn't always correspond to man's emotion. What the emotion feels is not always pursued by the will. And what the will desires is not always consented by the mind.
Only when a person's mind, emotion, and will are coordinated and conformed can he really experience genuine happiness.
Happiness is a state. A state wherein your mind, emotion, and will do not overstep one another.
A peaceful state wherein what you think, what you feel, and what you desire meet at a certain spot, which fully satisfies the requirements of each aspect of the soul.
Credits (Pictures): https://igo-yoga.com; https://kateswaffer.files.wordpress.com; http://gealgaded.com