- الكلام الكثير
- Lots of talk
- النوم الكثير
- Lots of sleep
- الأكل الكثير
- Eat a lot
وأربعة أشياء تهدم البدن:
- Four things that damage the body: *
- الهم
- Grief
- الحزن
- Sad
- الجوع
- Hungry
- السهر
- No Night Sleep
و أربعة تزيد في ماء الوجه وبهجته:
- Four things that add bright face: *
- التقوى
- Taqwa
- الوفاء
- Honest
- الكرم.
- Generous
- المروءة
- Keep Honor
و أربعة تجلب الرزق:
- Four things that attract sustenance: *
- قيام الليل
- Qiyamul Lail
- كثرة الاستغفار بالأسحار
- Many istighfar time 2/3 nights
- تعاهد الصدقة
- Ordinary Bersedeqah
- الذكر أول النهار وآخره
- Zikr at early morning and evening
وثلاثة تمنع الرزق
- Three things that distance sustenance: *
- نوم الصبح
- Sleeping time in the morning
- قلة الصلاة
- A little prayer
- الكسل
- Lazy
كلما هممت بفعل معصية تذكر ثلاث آيات:
- Every time want to make a vice * * remember *
- three verses: *
1- "ألم يعلم بأن الله يرى"
"Does not he know that God is seeing"
2- "ولمن خاف مقام ربه جنتان"
"Who is afraid of his Lord's standing for him two heavens"
3- "ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجآ"
"Who is devoted to God, He has made for him the way of completion"
لا تبخل بهذه الكلمات على اصحابك واحبابك .. !!
- Do not stingy to share this writing to our friends ..... !!!!! *
- Apparently Just 1.5 hours ⌚ Just Age We live in this WORLD.. *
Let's look at the Qur'an as a source of ultimate truth
🔎 * 1 day hereafter = 1000 years of the world *
🔎 * 24 hours hereafter = 1000 years of the world *
🔎 * 3 hours hereafter = 125 years of the world *
🔎 * 1.5 hours hereafter = 62.5 years of the world *
If the human life is an average of 60-70 years, then this human life when viewed from the sky is only 1.5 hours.
No wonder we are always reminded of the matter of time. ⌛⏰
Allah says: * "You do not dwell (in the world) but a little of your time, if you first knew this (of course you were prepared)" *
May be useful for all of us to walk the journey of our lives this.
- Strengthen thinking for the afterlife *.
Because this world we will leave.
Focus on the hereafter
That is where we will live on.
- Remember this: *
for myself. - The bodies of Muslims who have not worshiped in the past 1000 years are still being tortured to this day. *
Allah is the Greatest!!! 1st time we leave prayers equal to 8000 years of hell torment. If we are a day 5 x prayer time?
5 x 8000 = 40,000
- Subhanallah ... * 😫😭
Lighten your hands to share this news. Will have the reward of reminding Muslim brothers ...