English and Spanish Bluebells: Facts, Photos, and Concerns
Beautiful Flowers of Spring
April and May are wonderful months for nature lovers where I live. One of the joys of the season is the beautiful patches of bluebells that appear in my neighbourhood. I live in a suburb, but natural and semi-natural areas are located near and around the residences. These areas are valued by many people. The vivid and cheerful sight of both wild and garden bluebells is a lovely reminder that summer is approaching.
The bluebells in question in both British Columbia and Britain are of three types: the English bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), the Spanish bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica), and hybrids between the two species.
Flowering plants are divided into two major groups—monocots and dicots. Bluebells are monocots. They belong to the family Asparagaceae and the subfamily Scilloideae. Hyacinths and grape hyacinths also belong to the subfamily.
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