Blueberries are not only delicious, but they also help improve memory. Studies have shown that eating blueberries regularly slows down the decline in mental ability and removes harmful proteins from the brain. The good news is that you can grow blueberries anywhere. First, you need to prepare a suitable place and soil for cultivation. It is important for blueberry plants to have adequate sunlight and good drainage. Growing them in raised beds or containers yields good results. For each plant, two to two and a half feet of space and at least one foot of soil should be prepared. The required amount of peat moss should be mixed with the soil.
When planting blueberry plants, a distance of two to two and a half feet should be kept between the bushes, and if planted in rows, a distance of eight to ten feet should be kept. Although spring and autumn are the ideal times to plant blueberries, in some regions it can be planted all year round. After planting the seedlings, a little more soil should be added to the soil and the base of the seedlings should be watered well. Mulching is important to maintain soil moisture. Sawdust, grass clippings, and acidic mulches can be used for this purpose, but cedar and redwood sawdust should not be used.
Regular pruning is necessary to get good results from blueberry trees. When they bloom, they should be cut off so that the tree is strong. Excess lower branches, dead branches, and small and faded branches should be cut off. In addition, you should be careful when using fertilizers. Organic fertilizers, especially blood meal and cottonseed fertilizer, are best for blueberries. It is better not to use manure fertilizer, as it can harm the plant. By following these simple steps, you can get a delicious and nutritious blueberry crop at home!