It all began after my sister-in-law had bought a second-hand computer at around 14 years ago or so and I used it to explore the Internet which at that time is totally new for me. I just fiddled around that computer too testing Linux OS which I never seem to learn because it is complicated considering that I do not have an education background or technical know-how.
Then I started joining local forums where my objective is just to have some fun until I learned to connect to the Internet using free VPNs and ultimately cloning WiMaX for a faster Internet connection.
After the fun chats followed by free Internet I ventured on how to make money via the Internet so in the same forum I was able to join point to click sites until it is just not feasible to make good money out of it I discontinued it.
Facebook Started It All For Me

Then I was able to make a tangible money from crowdsourcing app in #Facebook. But the work is just time consuming and quite difficult if not so scant that you can never really rely on it. It was also the time where I applied for getting a debit card so I can like it to my #PayPal.
Then a friend told me to join this site where you blog and earn from every comment, likes, and views. You get paid in Paypal if you reach an amount threshold. From there I earned a sizeable money where I use to buy some appliances like the refrigerator and the LED TV which we are still using today.
That Former Blogging Site Was My Main Steeping Stone To The World of Internet Money

Then the site got infested with plagiarists until it went broke. But before it went broke I was able to get some of my pending payments. I got sad of course when that site had closed because I thought that it could have been the best thing that ever happened to the Internet. Because earning $16 dollars a day is just so overwhelming for me already because I never really had a job before and after it, I was never employed.
Then the money I earned I bought some of it with BTC, I invested in point-to-click sites, revenue-sharing sites which actually are Ponzi scheme which I thought was a genius way to earn. Only to learn later because of my own naïve thinking at that kind of thing, I got fooled basically.
I also lost some money from cloudmining sites which just ate-up my investment. But I never regret it because at that same site where there is a chat before I learned about steem. Also I was already trading cryptos back then because I have some BTC to trade around it plus I have to support my medical needs which is why I have to hustle-up.

A certain trader in that chat of the #cloudmining site is kept on sharing his #steem blog post. I got curious and what attracted me was the very big amounts in the payout. I said to myself I will give it a shot because at that time there is a level of panic in me because I know that I can't just trade cryptos as the markets are so volatile, I also lost some money in trading especially with steem token I bought near the top in #Poloniex before I was a member of steem, then as the price had shot up to its all time high and never got back up to that level of price again.
I was in my very bad health issue back then when I first started with steem because my facial bone went so big that it caused me a speech impediment as I can't press my lips together not to mention the pain in my backbones.
The community so very helpful back then and I met many friends that helped me with my mission until most of them just dwindled one by one. Some left me in the air, some left for good but one particular individual remained (or two) which are very selfless that they had been true to their words about empathizing for my own mission.

But I already have some cryptos before steem but steem earning had made me survive because I am able to buy my crucial medcines that I really needed until finally I am able to beat some of what bothers me with my health. I am actually happy that at least I am not in misery and the fact that my facial bone will not get worse, it is a feat that I am proud of myself in achieving.
I am happy where I am today and in peace of mind that I will never see myself dying not affording the medical necessities and I am thankful to God that I am freeing my family about worrying about me when it comes to financial capability to support myself now.
Things had fallen into place I guess for me starting from the purchasing of my sister-in-law's secondhand computer then that IBM laptop, then my brother as well bought a computer as well where I played GTA and some other games, then with the money that he is giving me that I saved I bought my own PC as well.
Then involving myself in Facebook, Internet works, the blogging sites, the cloudmining, trading in Poloniex, the Ponzi schemes, then to steem and now I am end-up trading, investing, and blogging to also entertain me and free my mind of from this health issues that I am managing until now.
I Must Blurt Out That...