HOW TO BUY BLURT - Some cryptocurrencies are harder to obtain than others. Blurt is NOT one of them.

in #blurt3 years ago

As part of my Mission to produce low effort content and CAPTURE more DATA on the FREAKS who have a problem with it, I bring you the following webpage that I called in a favor for...

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Posted today:

And my earlier ShortPost. For continuity...


Kinda saddens me that the once sizzling pans of bacon are being turned down on this stove. It's not pleasant to see it happening.

You'll remember when I drew me to your attn way back in a Steampunk when. This was followed up with more open-mouthed wondering and I kinda tied myself up in some knots....not that it bothered you, you were MOST appreciative :).

When I lost access to my account, you were right there, supportive right through! I got my a/c back. You won my loyalty.

I for one hope that you can continue to do your WORK on this CHAIN. All things change and shift and VYB is a d/v free zone. I have learnt a great deal from exposure to, and interactions with, your unique expression. I think anger is destructive when the expression of it is embedded into posts/comments. I have respect for your Personal Integrity.


I'm truly Honored!
And very thankful for those links again.

My best regards for those days when you were in account limbo. I felt genuine concern for that epic plight!

I think your comment alone satisfies my work here.
Of course I'm angry that a "Group" onchain has marginalized my entire portfolio by rebuilding conditions that the block was meant to free us from... On CentralMediaSystems, I'd be flagged and deleted probably by BOTS! Here, I can at least be grateful for the Fact that it's not Algorithms, but rather ACTUAL PEOPLE who have decided to abrogate their human functions and ACT like Bots. Which means I will have to MEAN what I say, and DEAL with them as PEOPLE, on the land and in their States.

I came to the Block to break free and interact with REAL PEOPLE... Like You. The fact that SOME FOLK just want to repeat the prison bother me... IT bothers me that I will have to do SO MUCH ACTUAL meeting and greeting now to get THIS Point Across...
So my apologies for some of the DEMOLITION going on in the background.

I'll likely be increasing my activity on BLURT but I did check in on VYB.
BLURT has some BIG advantages that I ought to go over sometime. I don't like to steer people... I like the idea of cooperation. Your Key from Steem works there, just like it did on HIVE. They don't Downvote either but the better point is that BLURT will likely Destroy the price of HIVE like HIVE destroyed Steem... so far. And I still like the option of building my stakes the old fashioned way... Not by NINJA MINING IT, but by gradual, genuine, self reflective, work over time ; )

HIGHEST Regards as always Bruv!