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RE: Shadows Over Camelot--Have You Played It?

in #boardgame7 years ago

The only board games I have played in the last 10 years are chess, and monopoly.

Online i'm addicted to Candy Crush Saga.

Monopoly has always been a favourite, and it does educate you in finance, buying properties and getting rent when someone lands on your real estate.

It educates you without you even realising that each purchase is a risk, and you only know if the risk was a good one when or when not the rents start pouring in.


I love Candy Crush Saga. I'm a bit crap at it, but I enjoy it quite a bit.

I think playing Monopoly as a kid is what attracted me to a career in business--I always enjoyed investing for the future and trying to determine what benefits could accrue for current sacrifices.