Perspiration is normally odorless. It occurs due to a bacterial breakdown of sweat, which causes most body odor.
If body odor is an issue, here are a few:
Put rubbing alcohol under your arms to reduce bacteria.
Eliminate caffeine. Stimulant drugs, including caffeine can contribute to body odor by increasing the apocrine
sweat glans, which are special glands in the hairy parts of your body which produce strong-smelling secretions.Most commercial underarm products contain irritating and harmful ingredients. Avoid antiperspirant varieties. Look for other products in health food stores, such as those containing green tea extracts, which is antibacterial.
Buying natural crystals, just make sure they do not contain any aluminum in any form.
Increase your intake of probiotics and healthy bacteria via fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir or through supplementation.
nice post friend