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RE: The Power of the P*ssy

in #bom3 years ago

Oh, those darn elephants! It was their incredible trampling over everything that got me to comment. And yet, so many still choose to ignore them, me included. I wonder how we got to that place in our society where the social norm is to ignore and lie, keeping a lid on what's bubbling away on the surface? Well, it looks like you are someone who doesn't do that. And it's soooooo refreshing.

The great thing is that by looking through the comments, I can see you've made a genuine connection to so many already.

My dad, also my hero, was possibly the complete opposite to yours. When I stated I wanted to go to art school, he said, "It's about time you got a job." And so I did. I worked for two years in the mundane world before I had to do something more. I attended evening classes and did an English Literature A Level. It was the start of something special. It lifted me up and invigorated me.

There have been many times that I've returned to the mundane. It seems to be a pattern. The elephants wail and I pretend I can't hear them. Until, finally, something (like this) brings me back to my senses, slaps me around the chops and points at the elephants so I am forced to notice them.

Truly, THIS, has blown away the pretence. Thank you, I'm grateful for your bravery and conviction. 💛


Wow, Julia 😌

What incredible feedback and thank you for the thought and time it must have take to respond like this ❤️

I'm SO glad you didn't listen to your dad that time!

Yeah - those elephants. I ignore them too at times. Still! It's a tough one to crack permanently and we do what we can when we are able to. Nice to meet someone else keen on shining some light on the shadows... it's how we end up shifting things at last, I think.

I hope!

Many voices are far more easily heard :) ❤️

I hope too! 💛