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RE: Controversial Evolution Science - are WE the CHIMPANZEE or the BONOBO?

in #bonobo8 years ago

Thanks for your extensive feedback. Your views were more or less the same as lot of media and journalist went on stating about the statement of De Waal. What I understood from the in-depth interview with De Waal last Sunday is that he wanted to make a strong statement to get more of the scientific community and also the mass to understand humans are not only very close to the chimpanzee but also to the bonobo. Apparently, not so many scientist look at the bonobo at all. And interestingly the bonobo has very human like behaviours, but in manu aspect the opposite of the chimpanzee. The bonobo combined with the chimpanzee seem to gives many of the basic behaviours of humans. Now, making a statement like De Waal did, is controversial, but that caused media attention and that resulted in more awareness of the Bonobo. De Waal seemed to me a very rational person, during the entire 3 hours interview I saw. And he likes the bonobo as other species that have similar behaviours like the bonobo. Religion, well that is indeed not about buildings are other physical things. But to me, religion is something to believe in but not question the things that cannot be explained, However I do realise that religion gave the basic rules for society, those rules are generally the first so many basic laws we have. So although I understand religion was fundamental for larger societies to be able to exist and function, I personally am not religious at all since I dont like the unexplainable to just take it as it is). Up to some point, you could argue Science also to be a form of religion, since in science many assumption are made. However science is much more dynamic then any religion on earth, meaning, science is always looking for answers, and while finding those answers, we realise some assumptions are wrong, science is removing those assumptions and making new ones. That is what I like of science, it is not based on some more or less fixed believe but dynamic by nature.