Time to trim my Curly Willow.
Here is the reverse side of the same tree.
It has a lot of dead wood in the center. Tall branches tend to dieback in the winter, because the water from the roots and soil does not reach very far into the tree when it's icy cold out. Even on the deadwood, the cambium outside remains alive and able for form new branches.
This has become a very strong tree. It is able to bring tons of new vigorous growth from the smallest amount of living wood.
By reducing the length of the stems in mid-Summer at the height of the growing season, it can spur new buds to form.
Willow tends to only bud at the end of the stem. Sometimes I get lucky, and pruning the stem also causes buds to open further down on the older wood.
By continuously pinching and pruning off the long stems, I can increase my options by causing more branches to be made.
In Bonsai, the tree is limited by the size of the pot. Eventually the tree will reach capacity and stop growing because the small roots cannot support any more leaves to be made. Too many leaves, and the tree can actually starve itself and run out of water. Even in the height of the growing season, a tree can switch itself into the "off" mode and stop growing because it cannot support any further growth.
By reducing the extra branches and leaves on a tree with limited root space, I can continue to invite the tree to keep growing, possibly all the way until the end of Autumn. Each times a new set of branches form, the leaves will become smaller and smaller. Small leaves on a small tree are very ideal for bonsai.
Thank you for checking out my short article. I wanted to test out making my first post by using palnet, and it seems to be working fine. If you haven't tried signing up for your PAL account using your existing steem account, give it a try. I think people are already starting to appreciate the new tribes and community earnings that co-exist with the steem blockchain. My only gripe is that I prefer writing posts using steempeak, because it saves my snippets and templates, and a host of other wonderful advanced posting options. Perhaps there is a way to integrate the benefits of both together.
As always, let me know your comments, questions, and opinions below.
Photos in this post are all #originalworks by @creativetruth, unless stated otherwise.
Find me on discord and chat with other tree growers, bonsai enthusiasts, and gardeners. We have quite a few accredited experts filling out our ranks, and a helpful Spanish-speaking community.

#art #artzone #creative #tree-art #pruning #bonsai-pruning #tree-training #leaves #stems #branches #bark #curly-willow
It's nice to meet people like you here in Steemit supports and it's worth supporting them, happy day...Hello @creativetruth, month like this, I want to learn to do it, with so many details that you give us in your blog I think I can learn, thanks for sharing.
You only need to use the #palnet tag to get it to show up on palnet. So you can post from whatever platform you enjoy.
Also have you claimed your palnet airdrop? You can get it on https://steem-engine.com/. Under wallet on the upper left side there should be a blue icon that you need to click > log in via Steem connect > wait a few moments before refreshing the page to see it show up if it’s still going on.
I don't know what's wrong. My airdrop never showed up. I am getting regular earning thought. Everything was very laggy on the blockchain yesterday. Was hoping to find the airdrop waiting for me, but only had 0.153 earnings initially.
The PAL mod in discord was nice and telling me how to claim on steem engine by clicking the logo in the wallet. Think I'm supposed to get close to 40 PAL because of my SP level.
That curly willow is going to be quite the looker some day, even now it looks amazing. I have no joy with willows. Tried once with a weeping willow and honestly, the branches just tend to do their own thing. I ended up planting the tree in the garden of a park about two years ago. I should actually go and have a look see at how it is doing. Best of luck with the cold weather.
This is an activity that some years ago I wanted to start my friend @creativetruth I am going to take advantage that you activated that desire to start, thanks...
My pleasure to provide adequate inspiration.
Laborious work friend @creativetruth establish a unique contact with nature ...
Interesting material @creativetruth which you post on your blog, greetings you have a good day...