Yes, the Japanese did start the art of bon-sai (bon supposedly means tray, and sai, is to plant.)
Most people would probably imagine a Christmas tree, no doubt about that. But, you could do so much more with them. Here is a beautiful forest style planting of junipers that I keep staring at every day.
MORE INFO ON THE ABOVE TREE (GOSHIN, which means protector of the spirit)
It is a different species of Juniper but still, amazing.
Below is what the chinensis looks like as a bonsai:
This will take many years to do, and I don't think I will live that long to achieve the same.
Oh my... Those look stunning! Yes, the trunks look really old. Just keep trying. That can be an inheritance, seriously!
Exactly. Someone will one day be able to pick up where I left off. That's the great thing.