The last few weeks has been amazing. I was once again head of the committee that was responsible for all the arrangements for our club's annual show. Everything went according to plan and the event turned out to be a huge success as we received a lot of compliments from guests that attended the show.
The build up to the show started on Friday 29 November 2019. The tables and room dividers arrived at 10:00 and we were all set up at 14:00 just in time to start receiving the trees that have been entered into the show. During the registration of the bonsai trees I arrange for a bit of entertainment to help the club members settle in. This year we clustered the bonsai trees in the styles they were entered in. This helped the judges with deciding on winners for each category. At 17:00 we started with our annual general meeting to give the judges time to evaluate the trees. After that was done we enjoyed a few snacks followed by the awards ceremony. Speaking about awards here are a few of the trees that won in their respective categories:
This year we decided to only judge 12 categories. A few of the trees that won last year received awards again this year so we decided not to allow those trees to enter in for next years show.
Below is a Kusamono that received a award:
Here are a few more photos that I took during the show:
We had a sales area set up through out the show were the public could by trees and other bonsai tools. We even had a plasma screen set up behind the sales area advertising bonsai as a art form and our club.
Here are a few photos of the sales area:
We had two paintings that one of our club members painted on display as well at the reception area:
That is a short summary of our show. As mentioned in one of my previous blogs I defoliated my Ficus. I'm just waiting for the tree to shoot out new growth before I write a blog on that progress. I will dedicate one full blog to this describing the whole process. Here are a few photos illustrating the defoliating process.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please feel free to leave your questions or comments in the section provided below.