The era of "Heisei" left two more days. 『30年分の経済ニュースが1時間で学べる』(30 years worth of economic news can be learned in 1 hour: Masumi Sai),that published yesterday, I would like to look back on the news for 30years from the economics point of view.
崔 真淑 (著) 大和書房
■2009年 民主党の政権交代+「合理的無関心」
First of all, I was interested in the analysis of the end of the Democratic Party administration that got power in 2009.
The book explains that the Democratic Party administration's short-lived cause was that the manifesto was "imposed for four years without consumption tax" and that it was largely defeated in the 2010 election.
The author points out that the "Rational apathy" of the voters has worked as the reason for the 70% of the directions to the Democratic Party administration.
Reasonable apathy is to give up what we know as a result of thinking rationally.
Although the Democratic Party took over the administration, it was disappointing that only 30% of the manifesto could be achieved.
Daily news is flowing. At the end of Heisei, it is worthwhile to look back on the time that has been made.
There are 88 themes in this book. Based on this book, I would like to write down topics that left an impression.