Chapter 104: Unexpected Reunion
The Capital Region Head Enforcer was in the Coastilly Region Enforcer Department head office. An alert appeared on his screen. Alarms in all his enforcer flying vehicles had been triggered. Jennifer was able to hack into these flying vehicles. The Head Enforcer ordered all his pilots and enforcer engineers to return to the vehicles to respond to the alarms. Once the pilots and engineers were inside, Jennifer locked them in.
Inside one of the flying vehicles in the Coastilly Region. Both the pilot and engineer were feeling very tense.
‘Looks like the system has been hacked,’ said the engineer to the pilot. ‘I should be able to fix it.’
The engineer called the Enforcer Department in the Capital Region. ‘They are not picking up. That is a little disappointing,’ he told the pilot.
‘The Capital Region was under attack,’ said the pilot. ‘The Enforcer Department might have been wiped out.’
‘Good point,’ said the engineer. ‘I’m sure I can override this hack.’ The engineer rolled up his sleeves.
The vehicle suddenly lifted off the ground.
‘Bad news,’ gasped the pilot.
The engineer began randomly mashing buttons on the control panel. ‘It’s a complete hack,’ he blurted out.
‘More like you’re a complete hack,’ said the pilot in frustration.
All the enforcer vehicles were hovering in the air.
The Head Enforcer stormed out of the Coastilly Region Head Office holding a megaphone.
‘Get these down right now,’ shouted the Head Enforcer through the megaphone.
The enforcer vehicles aimed their guns at the Head Enforcer. The Head Enforcer turned to run back inside, but they shot him dead.
‘No, no, no,’ shouted the pilot.
‘I see this as an opportunity,’ said the engineer as he became more hysterical. ‘With all these vacancies, I will be Head Enforcer in a few weeks.’
‘You’re a complete wacko,’ shouted the pilot.
The engineer pulled out his gun. ‘Your words cut through me like knives,’ shouted the engineer as he started to hit his own head with his other hand. ‘If I blew holes in you right now, it would be an act of self-defence.’
‘Calm down,’ said the pilot. ‘It’s only words.’
‘Words are dangerous weapons,’ shouted the engineer. ‘Misinformation is the reason we’re at war.’
The enforcer flying vehicles opened fire on the remaining enforcers on the ground, killing many of them. Soon afterwards, the flying vehicles departed the regions and began making their way towards Cellrebrum.
A few minutes into the journey, Jennifer made an announcement in the vehicles. ‘You are all being brought to Cellrebrum for rehabilitation for the crimes you thought you got away with.’
The engineer slammed his fist into the wall. ‘I know what this is all about.’ He gnashed his teeth and took a deep breath. ‘About a year ago, I had an empty cup. I tried to throw it into a rubbish bin. I narrowly missed. Instead of picking it up and dropping it in the bin, I just left it on the floor.’ The engineer covered his face and began to sob. The pilot stared at him in disbelief.
The next morning, Orcille went for a walk. He wanted to gauge how far the Sapiods had run. He followed the tracks for a short distance. It appeared they were not panicked for long. He then heard something. He looked up and saw a helicopter heading in his direction. It was descending quickly.
Orcille became invisible. He recognised it from the Carvaress laboratories. The helicopter landed hard, striking a tree. Orcille was scared it was her father hunting her down for unleashing the Sentray on the Capital Region.
The door of the helicopter opened as the engines shut down. Lily climbed out of the helicopter. Orcille could not believe his eyes. He witnessed Lily’s execution live on television. Then he smiled to himself.
‘If anyone could cheat death, it would be Lily,’ said Orcille to himself.
Orcille watched Lily a little longer to make sure someone had not shapeshifted into her. When he was convinced it was she, he became visible and ran over to her. Lily turned and smiled at Orcille.
‘I’ve finally found you,’ said Lily with a tear in her eye.
‘You’ve been looking for me?’ asked Orcille.
‘Yes, I began looking for you the moment I knew you existed,’ replied Lily.
‘I’m so happy you’re alive,’ said Orcille.
‘Me too, princess,’ said Lily as she threw her arms around Orcille.
They held each other tight for a few minutes. ‘I have so many questions I want to ask you right now,’ said Orcille as he wiped a tear from his eye.
‘I understand,’ said Lily. ‘All in good time. I will answer every question you have.’
She gently placed her hand on Orcille’s cheek. ‘You have suffered too much. I will fix everything. You will have a family, a loving family.’
Orcille stared back into Lily’s eyes.
Denise was not far away. She saw something land. She hid behind a tree to see what was happening, while attempting not to be seen herself.
‘I want you to meet some of my friends,’ said Orcille.
‘Are you talking about the Adoy survivors?’ asked Lily.
‘Oh yes,’ said Orcille.
‘I’d love to meet them,’ said Lily.
‘Well, over there behind that tree is Denise,’ said Orcille.
Orcille and Lily walked towards Denise. Denise was straining her eyes in an attempt to determine who was heading in her direction. She soon realised it was Orcille, and seconds later, she realised that Orcille was accompanied by Lily.
Denise jumped out from behind the tree. She ran towards them with enthusiasm. ‘Governor Lily, is that really you?’ she asked.
‘All me,’ said Lily.
‘I’m a huge fan of yours,’ said Denise. ‘I was devastated when they ousted you.’
‘They tried to kill me too,’ said Lily. ‘As you can see, they failed.’
‘Of course they did,’ said Denise. ‘The villains always fail in the end.’
Lily smiled.
The three of them walked back to their orange vehicle. Demarcus was talking to Darius in an attempt to stimulate a conversation with him.
‘Demarcus!’ called out Lily.
Demarcus rose to his feet. He ran over to Lily and gave her a big hug. ‘I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,’ he said in excitement.
‘You need to have more faith in both of our abilities,’ said Lily as she kissed his cheek.
‘I tried to save Adoy,’ said Demarcus, his voice quickly saddened as he lowered his head. ‘Everything got out of control. We are the only ones left. I even failed to save my own family.’
‘You can’t always save everyone,’ said Lily. ‘Everything you did was incredibly brave.’
‘Thank you,’ said Demarcus as he looked back up at her. ‘That means a lot coming from you.’
The four of them chatted for a while.
‘I feel like doing the Lily Governor dance,’ said Denise.
Lily smiled.
‘Let’s do it,’ said Orcille as he went over to check the soundtracks on the vehicle’s music system.
Orcille looked up with a smile. ‘They have it on here.’
Orcille played the song. Lily and Denise started to dance. Orcille went over and joined them. Demarcus sat back and watched them perform. Darius also jumped up and down but did not perform any dance moves. They danced to the song three times before the three of them burst out laughing together.
Hamlet and Darius collected more fruit for both lunch and dinner. Lily, Orcille, Denise, and Demarcus sat around all day chatting, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company.
That evening. Lily looked over to Denise. ‘Is there somewhere I can take a bath around here?’ she asked.
‘There is a small creek about five minutes in that direction,’ replied Denise. ‘I could take you there.’
‘It’s okay. I’ll be able to find my way,’ said Lily as she got up. She walked over to Demarcus and whispered in his ear. ‘Join me in twenty minutes.’
Her whisper did not escape Orcille’s attention.
Lily found a comfortable spot in the creek, and she just let the water wash over her. Demarcus emerged through the shrubs.
‘Enjoying your bath, I see,’ said Demarcus.
‘Would you like to join me?’ asked Lily.
‘Seducing me, but it’s all fake,’ said Demarcus. ‘You should bathe in your real form.’
‘You still need to train your eyes,’ said Lily. ‘Touch me and tell me this is not real.’
Demarcus reached over and touched Lily’s arm.
‘Feels so real,’ said Demarcus.
‘I’ve lived a double lie,’ said Lily. ‘I lied to both Sapien and Linap.’
Demarcus frowned.
‘The Linap have a very strict code to never reveal their true form to any Sapien,’ said Lily. ‘I never broke that code.’
‘This is the real you,’ said Demarcus. ‘You are Sapien. You are a Sapien like me.’
Lily smiled and nodded.
‘Why did you tell me you were Linap?’ asked Demarcus.
‘I did it to expose the Linap,’ said Lily. ‘Another shapeshifting Sapien does not convey that message so convincingly.’
‘You are right,’ said Demarcus. ‘Are you not shapeshifting in any form at all right now?’
‘If you mean, am I really this beautiful? The answer is “yes”,’ said Lily. ‘Get in with me.’
Demarcus undressed and climbed in next to Lily. Lily caressed Demarcus’ thigh. Demarcus began to breathe heavily.
‘It’s fine,’ said Lily. ‘There are so few like us. We need to come together.’
Lily climbed on top of Demarcus. Demarcus was shaking.
‘Don’t be afraid,’ said Lily.
‘I don’t know if I can do this,’ said Demarcus.
‘Your body is telling me you’re more than ready,’ said Lily as she licked Demarcus' face.
Around twenty minutes later, Lily and Demarcus were lying side by side at the bank of the creek.
‘Wow, I had no idea it felt that good,’ said Demarcus.
‘It only feels that good with me,’ chuckled Lily.
‘Can we do this every night?’ asked Demarcus.
Lily giggled. ‘I need to talk to you about something more important,’ said Lily.
‘Sure,’ said Demarcus as he gazed into Lily’s eyes.
‘Orcille is a threat to all of us,’ said Lily. ‘He is very dangerous.’
‘Orcille is on the outside now,’ said Demarcus.
‘It may seem that way, but that is not the case,’ said Lily. ‘Orcille is the son of Pardi Carvaress.’
Demarcus sat up suddenly. ‘Are you absolutely sure?’ asked Demarcus.
‘Sadly, I am,’ replied Lily. ‘Sooner or later, he will betray us all.’
‘He has done everything to help us. He is even helping to cure Darius,’ said Demarcus.
‘He has truly mastered the art of deception,’ said Lily. ‘Darius has lost part of his brain. It is not going to grow back. Think about how you lost your family. His showing up seemed a little convenient.’
‘What are you suggesting we do?’ asked Demarcus as tension increased in his voice.
Lily put her arms around him. ‘We now live in a world where we are either the hunter or the prey.’
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