fk it, lets get the book written
(make her feel welcome by the way, she's new to this)
we are discussing how we are going to
make the world its best version of itself
im getting a little caught up in it
the original idea with that was to go out on the streets
find people that were struggling
and give them what they needed
not what they WANTED
not what WE THOUGHT they wanted
but, what they actually needed
'hey mate, are you right for blankets?'
but it was never (well, i DID at some point mention it, after i got fkd over by the partner that i'd intended to do the good things with)
intended for publicity
it wasn't a 'lets do this thing, to get upvotes' it was just ..
the right thing to do?
on a call with @majjik atm
is this my @msp-irl 2.0?
i guess he just needed my money more than the people we were helping?
oh well, is what it is
took everything,
didnt leave me in debt, so ... i can rebuild from nothing
as the old proverb goes
'if u built it once, and it was destroyed, you sstill have the skill to rebuild'
basic gist is
with the want to change the world, any 'thwart'-ance
will just make the plan sturdier.
with a solid base, any shakes will just help to reinforce the structure
if u dont make a plan B
plan A is less likely to fail
a LOT of ppl's main concerns
are relatively easy to fix
food shortages?
have comunity kitchens
the world has taught us that our neighbours are our enemies
that our family are bad people
if u have family members ( i dont, im an orphanned black sheeps illegitimate child )
reach out to them
mend that bullshit argument about 'you didnt fold the napkins correctly'
or 'you slept with my husband the night before our wedding'
get over it
be the bigger they/them
dont you owe it to yourself?
so much anxiety, stuff that shouldnt weigh on the heart
but does.
if everyone in the world gave me $1, id have 8 billion dollars
to some, thats 1/10th of a seconds worth of profit margin
for others thats 3 days wage
THAT is whats wrong with the world, in a nutshell
the 50% with 2% of the money
4 BILLION people (10 americas)
are broke
at what point did money
become more important than wellbeing?
im going to assume it was, ooh, about 15 minutes after 'money' was invented
i hate that barter is almost banned
im now NOT ALLOWED to grow cucumbers, in my backyard, to trade the guy
3 doors up, for chicken eggs
does it bother anyone else, that, of all the foods out there, the human body cant process corn
and yet
EVERYTHING has corn in it?
anyways, on rereading what id done so far, it appears to be a bitchfest. oops
i guess it just niggles at me from time to time
i should be a lot better off than i am now
considering btc was $400 when i got into it.
i had 10m doge ( worth $36 at the time)
lost a friend and a bitcoin
i miss them both
last i heard his dad had passed, and he got an inheritance
the bitter part wants to take that from him
but i know thats not my task
my task is to rebuild
yet again
as it is what im good at.
actually done some research the other day
on the definition of '3rd world'
its 'developing nation'
funny story
some of that tax money you complain about spending
goes to those places
to help inventors
people that are trying to tackle the problems i also want to address
like drinking water
sun protection
stuff like that
ya'll ever heard of a solar sinter?
if not, ill educate you ;)
basic gist is
'overhead projector, making bricks in the desert'
would take a long time with just 1 decide, but 100 devices, thats a house worth of bricks a day
... just a thought
big ideas
no budget
maybe one day
anyways, im rambling