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RE: Half Past the Moonfall -- FREE ebook!

in #book β€’ 5 years ago (edited)

Oooooh!! Hopefully you like it and it's not too horrible. πŸ˜…

That's true about revisions and learning. The main thing I learnt from Moonfall is that I can write through tears and that for some unfathomable reason people seem to like distinctly Australian things. There's a bit of slang in there! Soon you'll be fluent in Aussie. πŸ˜†

Just realised I also need to edit the Dear Reader and make it say Hive instead of Steem, sigh. πŸ˜’

ETA: If you bought it from Smashwords yesterday (I had 2 "sales"; assuming one was you!) a freshly edited version will be up within the next 24 hours -- it changes Steem to Hive in the Dear Reader and removes a repeated paragraph I somehow missed mid-book. Nothing story-ruining. But, just letting you know!

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Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hey there. I am coming back to you at 54% of the way through your book, Half Past The Moonfall and I gotta say this is one great story. I love the style of writing. It is totally not my normal read, aside from elves and magic, but I fucking LOVE this so far. Half the time I have the same grins on my face that you describe Nessie having. I just reached a big reveal around 50% in and am totally hooked. I look forward to reading the rest of the novel.

I just came across the repeated paragraph lol. I don't have dyslexia, but when I read I will accidentally read the same paragraph two or three times before realizing it, so I had to actually go back and read it a fourth time to make sure it was an error! I have noticed a good half dozen other errors in the book, and while I am not an editor, nor do I have any literature editing specialties, it would be an honour if you allowed me a chance to edit Half Past The Moonfall. I think this is a great story and you are a wonderful author and I want to help you if possible. Just let me know the best way to contact you if you wish to pursue this.

Also, I have a question about purchasing your book. I assume Kobo takes a larger cut than Smashwords, but would a purchase on Kobo be better for your brand? And is there anywhere in particular you would like me to leave reviews?

Holy crap, well that definitely put a smile on my face, haha!! 😁😁😁

I've since edited the book a little, fixed that repeated paragraph. Then I read through the whole thing -again- and saw more errors. And died inside. And this is exactly why this time I am using 5 beta readers for Vengeance, right now!!!!! πŸ˜… Catch all this stuff before I make a fool of myself in September when it's released.

Half Past the Moonfall was published waaaaay too soon, and without all the checking that SHOULD have been done. And it's part of the reason I haven't properly gone out of my way to really market it 😬 and why it's free. But I'm sososo glad that it's still enjoyable nonetheless!

I have to ask -- does it look okay on your reader device? I used Scrivener to turn it into an ebook, and when I looked at it in Adobe Editions it was so........... not very nice looking, haha. Yet the Kindle version looks lovely.

Using a different method to turn Vengeance into an ebook, that will hopefully keep formatting and not make it look like a giant wall of text like this turned out to be:



If you'd like to leave a review, GoodReads would be best.

But yeah!! If you'd like to help me edit it, that'd be great! I am honestly sick of looking at it and feeling like a horrible horrible person for releasing it in this state. πŸ˜… I'm on Discord at Kaelci#5179

I like to think my Dear Reader at the start removes all liability LOL -- "yeah, this was written in a month, it's not perfect, laugh at for that's what it was written for, laughing!!" -- but I know that's a cop-out. 🀣

I am on a Kobo Libra H2O and it looks really good. Even sideways, split into two pages like a traditional book it's great! Albeit a tad small, but that's on the Kobo, not on you. 😁

The only error I've seen from the book is in traditional "portrait" mode, sometimes these numbers on the right side overlap some of the words. I'm not sure what these numbers are. I haven't seen them in any other epubs. I also reduce my margins and stuff to cram more words onto the page, so that may be on me.


I hope me bringing up the errors didn't make you feel any more horrible about the state of the book lol. I just wanted to offer my services because you were lamenting the state it was released in and your prior comment mentioned a re-release. A released book stuck in editing hell is better than an unreleased book stuck in editing hell! πŸ˜…

Hey @lacking, that little number is amazon page marking. There is a setting somewhere to turn that off.

How are you liking your Kobo Libra so far? I'm thinking about getting one myself.

So far I am loving it. I like the size for reading. It doesn't feel like I'm holding a big tablet.

My only complaint is that the size of the screen is pretty bad for reading American graphic novels. But the size works well for reading Manga.

There's another way you might 'expand' your screen real estate. It's called 'Ko-reader', an alternate OS/reading app for Kobo. It's open source and you can find it on github. You can install that if you want. That reading app is far superior to kobo's default one. Been using it on my Kobo for a few months.

I will write a blog post about it soon.