Amazon river in South America is the second longest river in the world. The densed forest on the bank of this river is called the 'Rain Forest.' Till now, people are yet to discover the whole area of this large forest. Environmentalist still believe that in the very interior part of the Amazon rain forest ,still there survives some Red Indians tribes who are totally unaware of the rest of the part of the world . The people of the world have not seen these tribes till today and they have also not come into touch of the people of the modern world . They are called ' invisible man'
But a 13 year old Red Indian child accidently came into contact with the outside world.
A missionary who visited the Amazon rain forest as a tourist, dropped a copy of the world famous magazine 'National Geographic' on the rain forest by mistake . The magazine caught the eye of the 13 year old boy that was lying on grass. This boy had never seen such type of thing in his lifetime.His mother belonged to the ' Sipibu Conibu ' tribe. She used to move from one place to another on boat hunting the dangerous ''Piranha ". She gave birth to that boy on boat. His name was ''Migual ". He would have taken the profession of his mother and his forefathers who spend their life for several centuries in that way. But his life and luck took a U turn after getting that magazine.
He could not even imagine about such type of book and picture . After taking the book in his hand , he turned the pages. 'National Geographic 'magazine consisted of colourful pictures on every pages. The language of picture is universal irrespective of people's location, nations and languages. Even an illiterate person can also imagine something .
While turning the pages, he came across a picture of the New York city. He was astonished by the picture and starred at it for a long time. For the first time he realised that the world around the Amazon river is not the only world . There is another world outside the surrounding of Amazon river and in that world there are places which he have seen in the magazine . At that time ,he promised himself that would never die without visiting the mysterious outside world.
One day he approached a missionary group who came to visit the rain forest and he tried to express his feelings to them through body gestures about his interest towards knowing things. The missionary group admitted the boy to the nearest school of that place . The distance to the school from his place was a journey of 4 days by boat. Accordingly ,after completing schooling , he went to Lima( the capital of Peru) for taking admission in college . The missionary group provided various help although it was not sufficient . He faced various obstacles during his student days.He even studied under the street lights and spent nights with no food to eat. But,finally he was rewarded for his hard work. After coming out with flying colours , he received a scholarship to study at Oxford University . Thus, in this way, a small boy who lived in the Amazon rain forest ,away from civilization ,one day got a chance to study at this renowned university.
Friends ,this is a real story of a Red Indian boy who lived in Amazon rain forest. He later took the name- "Migual Hilario Manenema" .
An interesting story ! at least someone`s dreams came true .I have up voted your post
Thank you..
Nice one