I just finished this book by music journalist Paul Morley. He wrote this just after Bowie died after having curated the David Bowie Is exhibit that we saw in Groningen. The book is really an extended essay, but it covers a lot of detail of Bowie's life and included a lot of details I didn't know. There are so many biographies of the man out there and others may have more details of people he worked with and how he made his music. This mainly focuses on Bowie himself with some details of those closest to him.
He is a fascinating character and Paul is obviously a devoted fan. He details some of his early experiences of hearing him. He talks about the exhibition too and how he spent time there (when it was in London) doing some writing and talking to fans.
It may be worth a read if you are a devoted fan, but perhaps not for the more casual reader. I found it hard going at times as the prose is fairly dense.
I keep track of what I've read on Goodreads. Maybe one day there will be a Steem-based equivalent.
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I have to buy that book! You know I love so much Bowie since I was a young girl and I remember the first time I was to his show in Florence (I think it was the 1984 or 1985, The glass spider tour). I was just 14 years old and I worked 2 weeks to buy the ticket ;)
Give me an message when you visit Holland again ;) ..
I've never really dived into Bowie because in his early years for me it was to extraordinary... But like I said in the 80's movie post, he does have made some good songs...
We hope to be back some time. I'd love to meet up
That would be awesome !!
Hey, thanks for the review. Also thanks for pointing out that it might not be the best reading material for non-fans. I am a huge fan of biographies in general but got to admit not a fan of David Bowie (I know, i know, I should be ashamed of myself)
I'm not a big enough fan to read it from what you've said @steevc. John and my daughter were into him more than me. They even went to see him together.
I like your Goodreads on Steem idea!
Interest to reading this book increased