I recently finished reading The Dictator's Handbook, and I highly recommend it. The book provides an excellent overview of power structure dynamics in the context of both governments and businesses. It tracks historical examples and shows how understanding the economics of power enables retention of power. In order to secure freedom against those who would centralize power to themselves, I think it's essential to spread understanding of power economics. Start with yourself and help build a better world.
CGP Grey has also put together a great video presenting a few of the book's most important points, which is how I became aware of the book itself:
Google Play:
Oooo this has definitely caught my eye
Will be checkin out this video when I get the chance..
I'm all about using the enemies' tricks against them
This video is compelling as hell - and I can see why you'd leave wanting to read the book.
Now I also want to read the book - and then compare it to Machiavelli and see if rule has changed so very much in however many centuries.
Thanks for the tip. Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans Herman Hoppe
is a good companion to this tome
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.