Health is among the most common new years resolutions people will make in 2023. And that means you are likely to see a fresh influx of people begin their working out journeys.
To that end, encourage them and help them get through the short term set backs so they become long term members of your community. Remember, a healthier population is a net positive because it means less money spent to look after otherwise unhealthy people!
Often overlooked however, is how we go about our eating habits. To that end, I recommend a book that has been quite life changing for myself.
Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar"
The thesis of the book is that blood glucose spikes are generally bad, and managing them is the key to better health. You can even do this without cutting out your favourite foods!
When I first read this book, I had all the usual expectations of some popular science book. I didn't think I would learn anything but I was wrong!
After reading the book, I started a strategy I learned from the book, one which I believe I will implement in my daily life, for the rest of my life.*
In total, there are seven strategies discussed in the book to manage the nasty glucose spikes. All without cutting out carbs. Not only are they simple, they're memorable and easily actionable. To calm the fears of the 'science' people, at least 50% of the book is dedicated to citations of papers and research backing the claims of the author.
/* One of them I stand by is eating foods in a certain order. (Veggies, protein, fats then starches and sugars) This can reduce glucose spikes by up to 75% compared to eating the exact same foods in no particular order.