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RE: Tears of a Troubled Author: My thoughts on the book Tears of a Tiger

in #bookreview7 years ago

Hi @idenkcall

I also suffer from major depressive disorder. I’ve written a little about it on Steemit. The first time I wrote about it, I didn’t really expect anyone would read it. I only wrote the peice because I had emotions inside me that I needed to get out. Journaling helps sometimes for me and I thought that since I was writing anyway, I may well as post it as an article here. The response was overwhelming positive. This is an amazing community and I’ve found that talking about a few things on here has helped me from time to time.

One of the things I struggle with most is that no one but you can really understand what is going on inside your own mind. Writing about it is one way I have found helpful to try to help others be better informed about these kind of issues. Trying to raise awareness of these issues is one way for me to try and create something positive out of what is otherwise a negative experience.

Here is the first piece I wrote:

I’ve written mainly about anxiety to date. I haven’t had the courage to touch on my depression yet. It talks a little about acceptance of your own condition.


I appreciate this more than you know. I always felt alone, despite the fact I know my illness is incredibly common. I'm glad you decided to reach out to me. It means a lot. I also used my writing and art as an escape. This is the first time I have ever been up front about it. I've always preferred for depression to be an underlying theme, but I think this article has been good for me. I get to be myself.

Hopefully, I'll improve. It's just been a long road so far.