Book Review: Mercy: a love story (Mathew Beaumont Series Book 1) by Alberta J. McMorris

in #bookreview7 years ago

There is no need to use our logic when reading a paranormal story. And this definitely applies to this book. Once I managed to give up on using my down-to-earth logic I found myself enjoying discovering what was going on. How would you feel to discover all of the sudden that you are a succubus (a creature of female form who has sexual intercourse with us in our dreams and fantasies) and you dream about being hunted from a vampire and at the same time searching and feeling safe in your dreams only because of the man that made you fall for him from the first time you laid eyes on him? The story of Emily and Matthew is by far a different kind of love story on a different level, not known to us ordinary humans. I enjoyed seeing a new modern approach to the vampire world, some of them with more respect towards human lives and consuming special medication created for them. This medications are keeping them from hunting humans for their blood. It was thrilling to read about different ways how some of the characters in the book became vampires, werewolves or succubi. I did, however, lack something in feeling the big love between Emily and Mathew. The words were spoken, the gestures were there, but I couldn't just feel this strong connection between them. I did enjoy though every other aspect of the story and I must admit that the author surely has a rich imagination and good writing skills in displaying a great show in front of reader’s eyes.

Reader type: Any fan of paranormal, occult, vampires and other supernatural powers that love to read a well-written story that will not disappoint you but will make you wanna read more.
Mercy by Alberta J. McMorris1.jpg
My favorite quotes from this book:
“I saw something that I could never forget. He was both old and young at the same time, with two faces inhabiting the same body.”

“The unwelcome beeping of my alarm broke through the dream, and I sat up, catching my breath. He was real. I had felt him, as if he was there right in front of me, once more. I had seen him change with my own eyes, and I knew I had to find him again.”

““Who are you?” I asked him. He told me his name was Mathew. This is how we first came to know each other. I didn’t fully understand what had happened that day in the street, but it had brought me to him. I wanted to stay like that forever, in the dream with him.”

My rating: 4/5.

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