What Is The Longest Road Trip You've Been On?

in #books8 years ago


This question really made me think.

My answer was 32 hours from Florida to Arizona and back.

It also coincides with the year that I took those trips, just me and my little girl on the road in my black 2016 Honda CRV, affectionately known as Shonda Honda.

Trust me on this: The Tunes were the Tunes of Legend.

I remember driving through El Paso and repeating my Mother-In-Law's advice not to pull over there, even though I was deliriously tired from having driven for...gosh I still don't even want to calculate that.

Red Bull kept me alert, gave me Wings, and I am thankful for Google Play Music for keeping me both entertained and awake.

I was fresh off the energy of D Verrengia's event in Phoenix.

I listened to the 4 Agreements and one of the CDs from the last Success Magazine subscription I grabbed before I left from Florida.

I remember Marie Forleo was featured and she gave an EPIC talk on Doing It All.

I am so THANKFUL for that whole experience.

Facebook shows memories of every post you made in the past on this day...

Some bad stuff happened too.

But that last sentence is about as much attention as I'm paying to it nowadays lol sorry not sorry

Sometimes you just gotta tell the past 'so what? i still win!' and affirm the person you are now and the person you are becoming no matter what.

That's what I've been doing more of lately, since reading The Power Of Now.

When I first got the book almost 10 years ago, I was actually like NOT looking forward to reading it.

Just something about the way it was written was really annoying to me, so I was like 'no' lol

But a whoooole lot of life has happened in the last 10 years, particularly within the past ONE and the experiences Eckhart Tolle is talking about resonate so much more now.

What a time to be alive.

Get it. You need it. Read it again.




exactly! thank you!

Nice post, i followed your account, please follow me at @mrrandy