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RE: How to Damage Your Reputation Using the DMCA - A Lesson From Mark Manson

in #books8 years ago

Any book called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck" sounds like a really interesting book which I'd pick up if I saw in a store
I just went through the review you linked and it seems like a really enthralling and captivating book as it ponders on many psychological/philosophical aspects which I love to explore as you know from my posts haha

However this is really distressing to see how Mason is willing to go out of his way to take down a review. Were the reviews mostly criticism that Mason couldn't take or were there other motives behind this irrational attack? It just seems like Mason is the type of person that can't take criticism and is willing to use his authoritarian powers to control those who cannot do anything about it.

I don't think anyone should be censored and their honest opinions should be allowed to be heard. That is why decentralised, blockchain technology is the way forward and it will be adopted widely sooner or later.

Well there goes his reputation out the window but it seems like he just does not give a f_ck'...
Now I'm stuck in a predicament @thecryptofiend. Do I buy the book or not? I'


Now I'm stuck in a predicament @thecryptofiend. Do I buy the book or not? I'

That is up to you. The book is good but if it is allegedly based on his own personal experiences then it kind of puts the provenance of it into doubt. Does he even really mean it?

I have also heard others suggest that it is a rehashing of previous books which might actually be better.

Anyway it is still a good book either way - for me the knowledge taints it but whether it does the same for you is another matter.