The Last Discount in 2019!

in #books5 years ago

For the last time in 2019 my eBook Look for Me Under the Rainbow is at a 67% discount price! 

Sunday, December 15, 2019, 8:00 AM PST through Sunday, December 22, 2019, 12:00 AM PST

If  you still don’t know what to give as a gift to your beloved ones, this  could be a nice opportunity and addition to their library. Make the best  use of my Kindle promo week and get the story of a harp seal Danny at a favorable price!  Thank you for spreading the word and telling others about it. Even  more, thank you for leaving an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads

Don’t forget: my other book A World Without Color is at a permanent price of $0.99!

“A  book filled with heart and love for all living things, I found the book  touching and inspirational! The author's sincere character is embedded  into each & every word! I highly recommend this book and give it  five stars!”—S. Richard, author of Man at 50: A Journey of Crisis,  Revelation and Survival! 

An excerpt from Look for Me Under the Rainbow

One  day everything changed. Danny got a brother. Overwhelmed with joy, he  completely forgot about the fear he felt when his mother left him alone a  little longer than usual. He had begun to think something happened to  her. Like maybe the sea current dragged her to the open sea where a  killer whale swallowed her up . . . or a shark tore her apart . . . or  she got caught in the ice . . . or she met a man. . . . But when he saw  her coming with a tiny pup in tow, just opening its eyes, his fears and  foreboding dispelled. 

Danny received Jon with such sincere affection and love, his mother almost burst into tears from happiness and pride.

Jon’s mother died in labor leaving him alone. And he barely survived.

Even Danny’s father, in their vicinity at that moment, was slightly bemused  by this extraordinary show of affection. But as soon as Danny—feeling  his gaze—turned to look at him, his father averted his eyes and  disappeared behind a huge chunk of ice. 

Now she had not one, but two pups to worry about. Danny refused to be weaned and now Jon suckled as if he had not tasted food in his entire life. Still, Danny’s mother knew she did the right thing. Her malcontent and mischievous little pup Danny whom she could not let out of sight even for a second, now changed beyond recognition. Not only did he stop  pestering her with his interminable questions, he almost stopped his  excursions to the sea. His attention focused on Jon, he treated his  adopted brother with warmth and kindness. She thought that was amazing. If she weren’t a mother who loved Danny more than anything in the world, she might have thought his love for Jon stronger than her own. But that was impossible. She loved Danny as much as it was possible to love anybody. 


Download Look for Me Under the Rainbow. 

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Cover design by Mario Kožar MKM Media