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RE: Book review: Artemis - the 2nd Andy Weir book

in #books10 months ago

It does sound interesting and definitely like something they will probably make a movie out of. It seems like pretty much every book is turning into a movie these days. For better or worse. Speaking of books turning into movies... If you ever get the chance to read Starship Trooper I highly recommend it. I also recommend Ender's Game if you haven't read that. Those are a couple of scifi classics. Troopers can get a bit dry at parts, but it still interesting to read it and then compare it to the cult classic movie. We won't even talk about the Ender's Game movie...


Love that you mention Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game." That is one of my favorite books of all time. I enjoyed it so much actually that when I moved to Asia it was one of only 3 books that I brought with me. If YOU haven't read Ender's Shadow, do so. It is essentially the same story but told through the perspective of Ender's tiny friend in the books, Bean. I have not read Starship Troopers but have heard that it is really good.

and yes, we do not even need to mention the EG movie. it makes me mad to even think about it.

Ah good. I couldn't remember if we had talked about EG and if you had read it or not. The Starship Troopers book is way less campy than the movie and if I remember right it digs heavy into philosophy and the whole "being a citizen" thing.

I remember talking to someone about Starship Troopers and I originally thought he was messing with me when he said it was a good book. But i was basing this opinion off the cheesy film and he just told me the book had very little in common with the movie. I do like the movie though. IT is one of the kings of "so good because it is bad."

I can agree with that. I like the movie too. It's kind of like the book Timeline. The book and the movie should be taken totally separately. They have some similarities, but the book is so much better than the movie.