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RE: A Novel Like Shogun Can Never Be Written Today

in #books11 months ago

Splendid writing on your own. I fully agree on your notions on modern scripts and film making.

I am positive though that works of quality will always beat that mish-mash of todays corporate movies.
The inability to create something that emerges from the complex processes of the human being is cocaine or speed, it is perhaps even addictive, because none of the deeper emotional needs and abilities of the human being can be found in it. And it is believed that "strong feelings" are evoked by exaggerated characters and inflated animations. They are not, of course. Eight times out of ten - maybe even ever - all the plots are predictable, just like the hangover after a cocaine binge.

I applaud you on your excellent analyses and your straightforwardness about woke culture. People are fed up with this.

How about Vikings? It is not from a historic novel but how would you speak about the series?



I've never watched Vikings, I'm afraid, though I have read good things about the series.