I've never much enjoyed reading books. Mostly because in school I HAD to. I never wanted to read what they wanted me to read, so it never was really fun. Once I did read, I had a hard time with comprehension.
I usually have to read something over and over again to get it to really stick. It doesn't help that I'm easily distracted, increasing the odds of not understanding what my eyes were reading over.
So, to tell you the truth, I've probably read MAYBE five books through in the ten+ years I've been out of high school. YeH, really.

Have you ever listened to an audiobook? Well I highly recommend it! With Overdrive, it's free! You sign up through your library card! You essentially borrow books from your library!
Anyway, so this app, Overdrive, it's for Apple or Android - and the best part, IT'S FREE! You can even use it on your computer! Not only can you check out and listen to audiobooks, you can also check out and read ebooks!
So, now that you know about it, have your library card (or are working on attaining it!), signed up, you're ready for your first book!! Yeeee!
Let me suggest to you two books!

This was one of the first books I read on Audiobook! I didn't want to stop listening, ever! So sad when the book was completed! It's a heartwarming tale. I am no book reviewer. Do your own research to see for yourself if it's something you're interested in. It's one of those New York Best Sellers though! Heeey heyyy! Haha.

This book is also just fantastic! I read this book more recently and was also sad to have to put it down. I just found out today that it was also a movie, gonna have to watch that one! Have you seen or read this book? Lemme tell ya, apparently I like books about old men!
So, you might be wondering, when on earth do I listen to these books?? Well, I particularly love listening to them when I am taking a shower, doing the dishes, or anything really mundane. See, that's why I really can't just read a book! I love to do other things. I'm a multitasker! When I listen to something, I can like, draw or get chores done. Also, if I am doing chores outside, I could listen from my phone with headphones or something! It's so cool!
I have converted at least two of my real-life friends into using Overdrive vs other pay for audiobook apps! My roommate works night shift and he listens to almost a whole book each night!
Do you have any book suggestions? I'd love to hear them!
I will also confess that I have a lot of reference books that just sit on the shelf, looking pretty. I have them JUST IN CASE. But I often find myself just Googling for an answer...
Please note, I do not know if this app works out of the USA. Please let me know if you know! Thanks!
Oh, and, I am not affiliated with Overdrive or getting anything out of this! I just really like the app and want to share with you!
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Face is doing well! Feels nearly healed! Hardly any redness left! Not really any itchiness. Still a little dry, but not nearly as bad!!
Man, so I guess there's a huge fire in Canada and the smoke has come down ALL the way to Oregon. It has blocked out the sun, and ash is dropping down. It's craziness.
Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!
Glad to hear your face is doing better! Though Sad to hear that Canada is already eclipsing your sun (get ready for Aug 21st!) I doubt that App works outside of The US but many many people seem to swear by audible.
Haha I live in the path of totality! Hopefully it clears up before then! Lots of people will be very upset! Haha not me. Maybe it was a conspiracy, the whole fire! For that purpose! Haha
I have heard good things about Audible, but it's not free. :) there's lots of other free audiobook ones too! I haven't delved further because I like the one I have, though.
Though, it was so hot here today, I was thankful for the sun to go missing a little! Lol
yeah,all over my feed I just see people trying to out-do each other for how horrendously hot it is now. I'm at about 1800m elevation so even in summer you just duck into the shade and it's fine. Wish you cool drinks and calming clouds!
Damn, I hope that ash doesn't cause you any inhalation issues. Also I'm the complete opposite of you! I used to read a ton in my teens. College killed recreational reading. I TRIED audio books but the monotonous voice is very difficult for me. But i was doing ones on finance. Maybe a fictional book would be a better idea
Oh, I would do only like novel books. I don't think I could do a text book! That would be terrible if it were a monotonous voice! All of the readers I've heard, especially on the two books I recommended, are very good! And if they're not good, I just don't listen to the book! Haha. Usually the reader fits the book very well! They animate their voices, usually! The worst books I've tried to listen to have been autobiographies and stuff, and they just disappointed me. Even if I really liked the person who wrote it. Haha. If you try Overdrive, it's a no-lose situation! :D
Sweet. I'll look into it. I have a one hour commute each way to work. A good fictional novel would probably help
Oh definitely! Check out the two I recommended! I really like them both!!
OH! there is one audio book I LOVED that you might get a kick out of called Blue Latitiudes.... all about a fellow who retraces the Epic journey of Captain Cook around the world. really interesting story and nicely narrated. Just a thought!
Thanks! I'll see if it's available!
I was the same way in high school with books, I hated it. Fast forward to about 2 years ago(I'd be about 34 years old then) I started reading classic novels and I love it. So far I've read Oliver Twist, MobyDick, Great Expectations, 20000 Leagues under the sea, and The Grapes of Wrath- just to name a few.
I try not to read the modern drivel, but got sucked into a couple of series'.
The biggest reason I started reading was so my children would see me do it and think its a normal thing, and it's also practice for me to read to them.
Hey leading by example is the best way to go! I applaud that! Good for you! I hadn't even thought about looking up some classic books to listen to! I wonder what kind of people they'd get to read something like, Moby Dick!? Haha. Have you tried audiobooks? I don't think I could sit and read now. I am too fidgety!
Nah, I haven't done any audio books yet. I'm usually cranking out Hank Williams or Jamey Johnson when I'm messing around out in the shop or garden.
I get that. Mine's usually Queen. Hahaha. Or lately I've been really feeling STYX. :D
Good selection. We saw queen awhile ago here, I even listen to their vinly!
Tribute band, well, tell me was the tribute band any good? I've thought about going to a concert like that? But, didn't want to be disappointed.
It was Adam Lambert with the rest of the original band. The show was amazing!
I've 'read' so many of the classics on audio books. I don't think overdrive works in Denmark. I tend to like fiction that is out of copyright anyway, so I get my fix from Librivox. Elizabeth Klett is an amazing reader if you are interested in fiction from the 1800s .
You have inspired me to write a post on Librivox and one other site I use if you don't mind that is.
No no, please do!
I JUST finished A Man Called Ove this morning while driving into work! Awesome book!!!!!!!!
I use audible, but need to check into this, too. Free you say... Good me say. :-)
No way! I'm glad you liked it! I think you'll love Water for Elephants!
I was trying to get through Edward Gibbons' "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" ... really interesting, but it's easy to drift away from a volume of writing that size and lose your place... doh! :D
Something like that sounds waaaaay too hard, intense? for me to be able to just listen to. Haha
I'll have to check that out. I'm a reference book kinda girl. I like flipping through actual pages to find my answers, but definitely not going to read them cover to cover.
It's definitely worth it for novel type books!
My vote is worth ZERO today :( aw poo!
I've been told both those books are really good. I have overdrive... I just don't get around to starting anything! 30 min before bed I've got a book at my headboard and that's how i do it. But I should download on of these and listen to it while I ride to work!
They will definitely pass the drive time!! Might be even nicer prior to bed, less strain on the eyes!
Bike ride... at least before winter (:
I'll fall asleep with the earbuds in my ears and loose my spot in the book! haha