Back To Real "GREEN"

in #books7 years ago (edited)

by hans acehdigest

Why should "green" ?, why not black or white ?.

Current trends in many aspects ranging from products, to management "wearing" green clothes, although green in the end also tend to be "black" ?. Green metropolis, green product, green mining, green management, green vision, green living, even Aceh Green, are ultimately green only on the money sheets, but not green on reality.

Through his latest book, Ecological-Intelligence-Knowing-Impacts-Everything; Daniel Goleman shared the story with us how green vision, today becomes "a new toy material" for the success of both political and marketing processes. Marketing Green as a friendly and caring issue, but the real intent is profit oriented. This new toy is certainly dangerous, for real "good intentions" to be more friendly with the earth. If this lie unfolds and people no longer believe in the real "Green", it will interfere with the process and the result of building a better awareness of the earth through the green concept in any form.

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New debutant book Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent; The New Consumers: The Influence of Affluence on the Environment, is a book that tries to review, the emergence of the phenomenon of new awareness of "us" as consumers (cast all lifestyles) are starting to be picky. From the pre-production process, the production itself, to the type of product, because of the growing awareness of the concept of green earlier. This era is marked as the new era of "The New Consumers" Does that mean we are now "green consumers"?

Alan Durning through his book How Much Is How Much Is Enough ?: The Consumer Society and the Future of the Earth, says that "man" is a creature that is never satisfied, even if "other earth" is available, then it certainly will not be enough. This is at once the answer to our worries that the earth is indeed in an "emergency" situation. A very dangerous reality for our earth today. Now it is proven that whatever the idea of ​​a better earth, must deal with the "greed" of man as the ruler of the earth. Although all efforts for improvement become futile, there's nothing wrong with us trying anything as long as it's positive before it's really too late.

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Does that mean there is no way out, because After Michael Pollan's book History of Food, then Thomas F. Pawlick is like the sequel to Paul Roberts , presents a new menu again about the end; The end of food. Again, it's like answering Alan Durning's question about How Much is how much is enaugh ?. In fact, how much human should be satisfied ?, whether to wait until the last "food reserves" ?.

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Because, when food is also a "political commodity" and fought among industry players, consumers are caught between them. Even to choose which one is the best and "friendly to the environment" -had to struggle furiously if the stock gets thinner. This is what Marion Nestle's book is trying to say; Food politics: how the food industry influences nutrion, and health. Marion himself then also asked through his book What To Eat?

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Is there a last backup that can be an alternative? Perhaps Michael Pollan's review, in his book In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, can give a little answer to our big question mark. So we do not need to "mortgage" our earth sole on our "greed" to instantly destroy without ever caring a bit in the future.

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Kenapa harus "green"?, kenapa nggak black or white?.
by hanif sofyan-hansacehdigest

Kecenderungan saat ini dalam banyak aspek mulai dari produk, hingga management "mengenakan" baju green, meskipun green pada akhirnya juga cenderung menjadi "black"?. Green metropolis, green product, green mining, green management, green vision, green living, bahkan Aceh Green, pada akhirnya hanya hijau pada lembaran uang, tapi tidak hijau pada realitas.
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Melalui buku terbarunya, Ecological-Intelligence-Knowing-Impacts-Everything ; Daniel Goleman berbagi kisah dengan kita bagaimana visi hijau, hari ini menjadi "bahan mainan baru" bagi keberhasilan proses baik politik maupun marketing. Me-marketing-kan Green sebagai isu ramah dan peduli, namun maksud sesungguhnya adalah profit oriented. Mainan baru ini tentu berbahaya, bagi "maksud baik" yang sesungguhnya untuk lebih ramah dengan bumi. Jika kebohongan ini terkuak dan orang tak lagi percaya pada "Green" yang sesungguhnya, ini akan mengganggu proses dan hasil pada terbangunnya kesadaran tentang bumi yang lebih baik melalui konsep green dalam apapun bentuknya.


Buku debutan baru Norman Myers dan Jennifer Kent ; The New Consumers: The Influence of affluence on the environment, merupakan buku yang mencoba mengulas, munculnya fenomena kesadaran baru "kita" sebagai konsumen (pemeran semua gaya hidup) yang mulai pilah-pilih. Dari mulai proses pra produksi, produksinya itu sendiri, hingga jenis produk, karena mulai tumbuhnya kesadaran tentang konsep green tadi. Era ini ditandai sebagai era baru "The New Consumers" Apakah itu berarti kini kita adalah "konsumen hijau"?

Alan Durning melalui bukunya How Much Is How Much Is Enough?: The Consumer Society andthe Future of the Earth, mengulas bahwa "manusia" adalah mahluk yang tak pernah terpuaskan, bahkan jika tersedia "bumi lain", maka itu juga pasti tak akan cukup. Ini sekaligus menjadi jawaban terhadap kekuatiran kita bahwa bumi memang tengah dalam situasi "darurat". Kenyataan yang sangat membahayakan bagi bumi kita hari ini. Kini semua terbukti bahwa apapun gagasan tentang sebuah bumi yang lebih baik, harus berhadapan dengan "kerakusan" manusia sebagai mahluk penguasa bumi. Meskipun semua upaya untuk perbaikan menjadi seperti sia-sia, tak ada salahnya kita mencoba apapun selama itu positif sebelum benar-benar terlambat.


Apakah itu memang berarti tak ada jalan keluar?, karena Setelah buku Michael Pollan History of Food, lalu The end of food: how the food industry is destroying our food supply and what we can do about it oleh Thomas F.Pawlick seperti sekuel Paul Roberts, menyajikan satu menu baru lagi tentang the end ; The end of food. Lagi, ini seperti menjawab pertanyaan Alan Durning tentang How Much is how much is enaugh?. Sebenarnya, seberapa cukup manusia harus dipuaskan?, apakah harus menunggu hingga cadangan "makanan terakhir"?.


Karena, ketika makanan juga menjadi "komoditas politik" dan dipertarungkan diantara pelaku industri, konsumen terjepit diantaranya. Bahkan untuk memilih mana yang terbaik dan "ramah pada lingkungan"-pun harus berjuang mati-matian jika stok semakin tipis. Inilah yang coba digagas dalam buku Marion Nestle; Food politics: how the food industry influences nutrion, and health. Marion sendiri kemudian juga bertanya melalui bukunya What To Eat?

Adakah cadangan terakhir yang bisa dijadikan alternatif? Mungkin ulasan Michael Pollan, dalam bukunya In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, bisa memberi sedikit jawaban atas tanda tanya besar kita. Sehingga kita tak perlu "menggadaikan" bumi kita satu-satunya pada "kerakusan" kita untuk serta merta merusak tanpa pernah peduli sedikitpun pada masa depannya.
