The Way Home or Face the Fire, by JAH

in #books8 years ago (edited)

About five years ago I discovered this most IMPORTANT book, that has changed my views on life in a most profound manner. It was so wonderful that I decided to translate it to Brazilian Portuguese, and in the process, I studied it very deeply and checked ALL of the references therein. Here is the FOREWORD from the book. If you want to get the full PDF version I have included the author's link at the end of this post, but in the meantime please read now:

This is NOT a religious book, I repeat, this is NOT a religious book, in the way that you understand the word religion today, with priests, churches and their stupid, pagan rites and rituals. BEFORE you read this Book, you MUST separate TOTALLY, in your own mind the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, from ALL forms of organized religion and superstitious nonsense, and read it with an open mind, WITHOUT any preconceived ideas. The Torah (Old Testament); New Testament (which are combined in the Bible) and Koran are not religious Books either. They are guides sent from the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King and Ruler of the Universe, to tell you what you have to do and the rules you HAVE TO follow, in order to be able to be taught how you have to be, so that you can eventually be allowed to go HOME, to your REAL home.

This Book is fact, NOT fiction; it is the truth about life in this galaxy and here on Earth. It is the truth that you have, or should have, all been waiting thousands of years to hear, i.e. what life on Earth is REALLY all about. It has been written to enlighten the whole world, without preference to race, color or creed; it is a Book for ALL human+beings, including YOU. If, after having read and DIGESTED its contents, you choose to disbelieve it, that will have been your own decision and you will have my heartfelt pity, because, very soon, as a result of your decision, you will first be tortured, by what you have done, then burn and die on the Last-Day, as you have been promised and continually reminded of, for thousands of years. You will have missed your LAST chance to survive execution, and it will have been your own FREE choice.

Whilst reading this Book, as when reading any of the Guardian Of Divinity’s Books, you must ask Him to interpret it correctly for you, as you are reading it, and listen for His telepathic enlightenment. If not, you will have Satan confusing you into misinterpreting it. Ask the Lord to interpret it for you, in preference to ANY human+being, except me. Please excuse my lack of writing professionalism. I am a soldier, not a writer and have written this Book, not to demonstrate and impress people with my command of the English language, but to be as easy as possible for ALL God’s adopted children to be able to understand. I have written this Book with my Father’s help and guidance, and with love for all of you. If anyone is offended by this Book, then I suggest, for your own sake, that you destroy your ego and learn humility; you will then no longer be offended. If you do not destroy your ego; it will destroy you.

Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men.

Here is the [LINK to The Way Home](


Please accept this Book as a gift to ALL of you, without preference; forget your superstitions and religions, unite yourselves into one brotherhood, become “children of God” (by adoption) and bring lasting peace on Earth, and have goodwill towards ALL men. PLEASE!! It is your ONLY chance to survive.