When you think about Caribbean islands, you think about deepblue seas, white beaches and brightcolored coctails. You also think about lush green rainforests. The forests are green for a reason. It can rain like crazy over here. Usually its just a shower, but some days its as if we are in a cloud the whole day.
Today is one of those days, the wind is howling and there is absolutely no reason to go outside for anyone. So what to do??
Its time for a book I got as a gift from a friend. This Dutch book is about a surgical tech (scrubnurse) who worked in Afganistan and came back with as PTSS (post traumatic stress syndrome). This is particular interesting for me because I am a scrubnurse myself and also because I see a lot of people around me dealing with symptoms of PTSS after hurricane Irma.
The idea of that the wind would pick up this weekend was enough for people around me to turn pale, and become very introvert. We all have our stories here after the hurricane.
We have rainy day today too (Playa in Mexico). I´m almost all day in bed with my fav Ben and Jerry's ice cream and notebook :D
Now I know what I forgot for this rainy day. The B&J is an essential in this! Okay I bought swiss chocolate for the same cause haha!
Books enlighten, that is a feeling you never want to lose 😊
Im not a big reader actually, but sometimes I can really enjoy reading a good book!
What to do? Be happy you live in the carribean. There are others like me suffering from the not as sunny, Belgian weather ;)
oeeeee, I know how Belgian weather is. Thats about the same as the Dutch weather I used to live in hahah. What a disaster in January!
When it rains in the Caribbean is it like a proper tropical rainstorm like we get here in Thailand or is it that kind of depressing rain where it isn't torrential yet you still can't go anywhere? Also how long do they last? Normally a rainstorm only lasts a couple of hours tops in Chiang Mai
well those daily showers are also torrential but they only last like two minutes or so.And then like twice a day or so, often before dusk.
These ones now last like 10 minutes or so, but in general all the road flood from them. If we have a couple of hours of rain the place really flood out! Thats only like twice a year or so. But schools close then, an so
The flooding can be a pain, but as long as you are prepared for it then it's not a huge hindrance. You're on a small island so you do have to be careful, but I'm sure you are way more prepared for it than I'll ever be...
For flooding Im not prepared actually! But I live 20 metres above the road so the house wont have too much issues.
The general idea on flooding: stay put and wait it out. Dont be a fool to try to go somewhere. I also drowned my car once a a while back with being the smartass thinking I was able to go through the puddle.
I learned--> I dont do shit now when it rains :D
That happens a lot in Thailand too; so many people want to ride their motorbikes through the roads when they are flooded, only to have their engine flooded out because they don't rev the whole way through it.
I have a bicycle, so I have to get off and walk my way through the flood, normally while wearing a bright blue waterproof rainsuit. That's right ladies form a queue!!!
Hahahahahaah oeeee....somebody stop me!! Lolllll
Well, don't worry, a day without sunshine is an exception for you. Here it is very common in this part of the year. We had so much rain these last weeks, I am glad it doesn't rain today. I wish you a happy day with your book and the dog. Greetings from France.
Yeah European winters really get depressing at a certain point to me, that one of the main reason for me on moving to a warmer country. By January I would be counting down the days that I would go to the snow to get some outside air. I would try to go more often every season just to get away from the grey skies.
Today the sun is peeping through a lot again, but the rain still smashes down every now and then, and I found all furniture in the corner of the porch this morning because of the wind haha
How about drink a little bit of beer and steem. :)
Enjoy your book.
Yeah those kinds of combos yeah. You have to make life pleasureable yourself right!
Have a relaxing day. You don't have to be sorry for doing nothing.
The sun will shine soon.
Its true! We forget sometimes that its okay to do nothing, we always have the feeling that we are obliged to do a lot, and fill our days with all kinds of activities