Hi Mike,
Yes, I have! My "day job" is as a romance author under a nom de plume, but I've dabbled in some other genres as well. So I have about 40 products on Amazon. Here's a conspiracy thriller I wrote under yet another pen name lol. https://www.amazon.com/Hypoxia-Thriller-Wolf-White-ebook/dp/B00LANEVZG I'm actually running a free promo on it today, so download it if you like those kinds of books! :-)
For formatting, I always recommend Scrivener. It's kind of weird at first, but once you adjust to it, I find that it makes formatting SO much easier. Formatting is actually my least favorite part of the gig. I actually hate it, so anything that can make my life easier, I do.
Wow! You have a Pen name!
That's awesome and old world.
I'm actually surprised at the profit margin of self publishing.
It's not half bad if you print enough,
Ill check your book out. I love detailed Fiction stories.
I could send you a free copy of my book! Don't expect Jurassic Park though.
Self pub has been a godsend for romance authors! Yes! Pls send me a copy.
Do you have a P.O Box?
OR did you want a PDF?