I've been getting a lot more reviews recently for my books thanks to my recent marketing campaign, and today I have just seen a review for The Butterfly Killings on Steemit which I thought I would share with you.
Be warned though; if you haven't read this book before this review spoils a lot of the major plot twists, and even somewhat gives away the ending. Link below:
For those of you interested in reading this book (Or any of my other five books), the Amazon links are below. I have posted the UK link as it has the most reviews, and the worldwide link for those of you not from the UK
That you are getting reviews on Steemit itself is AWESOME on so many levels, Lewis. You're gonna have to publish more books soon!! Or start a series of memes with quotable quotes from your books.
Gosh, there are hundreds of quotes from my books I could use, but I'd have to sieve through them all to find each one. I do enjoy that when I'm writing though; when I get caught up in the moment and as I'm writing I look at a sentence and go, "That's the sentence where people are going to stop and think..."
I don't know when the next book is going to be, I reckon my latest book at the very earliest will be finished in August, but I'm expecting it to be more towards the end of the year. I do have six out already though so there's a nice range of book to choose from for people who want to read now :-)
Lots of great content. Keep it coming man. :)
I think Alanis Morissette said it best...
Congratulations Lewis @lewisjfclarke on your 'The Butterfly Killings' book on Amazon. No.1 Bestseller status, bring it on! :)
I hope so! I have so many places to see and friends across the world to visit when money isn't an option anymore...