"Life between two Islands", book by Maxim Gureev

in #books7 years ago

Hello, Steemians! Hi friends! Today I will tell you about one writer and an amazing person who writes about famous people in an exciting and authentic way.

Recently read a book by a well-known contemporary author, who graduated from the faculty of Philology of Moscow state University and has long been published in various of our journals: "New world", "October", "Banner" and others.

Maxim successfully makes documentaries, writes scripts, speaks at various press conferences, which enthusiastically talks about his literary activities, life, the problems of modern literature.


This book is a biography, and any biographical genre, it is, of course, and the facts and events that replace each other, and attempts to rethink the experience, the position of a hero, to restore the life of famous people bit by bit.

Maxim Gureev writer and screenwriter, who in my opinion was quite successful, with its inherent delicacy, to talk about the life of a famous poet and writer without embellishment, reliably, and without distorting the real events. Maxim managed from the myth to create a true legend.

In the book he tried not only to tell about significant facts from Brodsky's biography, but also to remind readers of the events which influenced Joseph Aleksandrovich's formation as the master and the pen's classic.

In his work on the life of Brodsky Gureev tried to immerse readers in the linguistic originality of the era, to answer numerous questions, without understanding that it is impossible to understand the originality of the poetic style of Joseph Brodsky.

In the biography given a lot of quotations from various works of the poet, will lead one to an excerpt from the essay "Trophy"

When I was twelve years old, the father, to my delight, unexpectedly brought to light God's short-wave receiver. The receiver was called "Philips" and could receive radio stations all over the world – from Copenhagen to Surabaya. Anyway, this idea was suggested by the names of cities on its yellow scale. By the standards of the time, "Philips" this was quite portable – a cozy brown thing 25x35 cm, with the above-mentioned yellow scale and a cat-like, absolutely fascinating green eye indicator settings.

Thanks to this receiver, the poet learned about jazz, the names of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald, was able to listen to their voices, enjoy "other" music.

And after 1972, when Brodsky was forced to leave Russia, and leave the country, the poet wrote:

Once upon a time there was a boy. He lived in the most unjust country in the world. It was ruled by beings who, by all human standards, should have been recognized as degenerates. What, however, did not happen. And the city was like. The most beautiful city in the world. With the huge grey river, hanging over its deep bottom, like a huge gray sky over her. Along the river stood the magnificent palaces with such exquisitely beautiful facades, if the boy was standing on the right Bank, the left looked like the imprint of a giant clam called civilization.

Sad to read such quotes, but in them our history, life, past...

After Reading Gureev's book you will discover a different world of Brodsky, better understand his poems, author's style, emotional experiences, and vicissitudes that influenced the formation of his personality, the theme of his poems and life.

From pages of the book I saw absolutely new person, understood a condition of his soul, pain, suffering, and reading some lines itself mentally was transferred to those places, and saw the events with his eyes...

But to finish my post about this interesting book, I would like to say from the Prologue to the tragedy of Euripides "Medea", translation of which Joseph Alexandrovich was engaged in his last days.

One never knows what the gods are preparing to mortals.
They are capable of everything: and bestow innumerable,
and to take away the last, precisely for nonpayment,
leaving us only the mind, to feel loss of.
Multilingual gods, but with them not to agree.
Do not approach them, and do not hide from them:
gods do not distinguish between bad dreams
and intolerable.
And contact us.

Р. S. All lovers of poetry Brodsky and just people who are interested and care about the fate of Joseph Alexandrovich, his poetry, emotional experiences, life conflicts encountered on his way, I recommend reading The book by M. Gureev.

*** Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments. I wish you luck and have a nice day!
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I haven't heard of this one yet...but now you've got me intrigued. Thanks for the review!

Thank you for your attention. I think you will love this book.

He is also a good producer)

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Hope you have a wonderful and bookfull day!

Thank you very much for your support and attention. I love to read and write about interesting books. It is wonderful that there is such a project! Creative you success and prosperity!