A Family Visit and Burning the Past

in #books3 months ago

The sun is slowly but steadily moving towards the horizon, where it will disappear behind the eucalyptus ridden hills in front of our temporary garden.

In two hours it will get darkish and cold, once again.

One way or another ( I can think of many reasons ), 10 days have passed since my last post.

She did well.In that week, my family from the Netherlands has visited ( they stayed for a week ) and Clare and I have spent a lot of time with them. It was the first time @clareartista met my mom and my younger sister ( and her family ).

The week was super intense but also, mostly, pretty fun. We went on a bunch of outings, mainly to spend time with members of my family individually ( I have 3 siblings ).

We split up in smaller groups, as hanging out with the 16 of us (which includes my 6 nieces and nephews, of which 2 babies ) was a bit much.

At the same time, Clare and my minds were already someplace else, as we are moving back to Italy soon, in less than a week.

In fact, we will take a bus to Lisbon on Sunday morning. From there on we will take a night bus to Barcelona and then a ferry to Italy, the next day. All in all it will be a 4 day trip. A genuine adventure.

The last couple of days, we have been focused on gathering our things and cleaning out the rental house that we've had a love-hate relationship with in the almost 3 months we spent here together.

sheep grazing on the land underneath our house, Saturday afternoon

After spending weeks in a tent and then 5 days in an airbnb ( when my family was here ), we had to move out of our tent and back into our rental house ( due to heavy rain ) and then got almost smoked out by the house's wood burner, once again, last night.

One thing is for sure, we are ready to move on.
Only 6 more nights to go...

There is so much more I could share but I am slightly high on caffeine today ( and not much used to that anymore, as I basically stopped drinking coffee 4 months ago, after my arrival in Italy at Clare's ) and I am feeling too restless.

My head is spinning like our washing machine...

Right now, Clare is reading a book in bath and I am writing this from the stone steps in our garden. I am looking forward to going on a little walk in the remaining sunshine soonish. We have the best talks when we walk. In fact, I believe conversations automatically become easier and more natural, when walking. We have great talks all the time but when we walk and hold hands, we reach new heights of communication.

Tomorrow, the two of us will take out loads of trash,including most of my DVD's and VHS tapes and other stuff I decided to get rid off, as it's my past and it does not serve me any longer.

In all honesty, most of it is too dark to keep or to pass on to others ( mostly horror movies and horror books ).

Clare made me aware of that recently and I have felt it myself for quite some time. There is too much darkness in the world and it is all coming to the light right now ( no matter how much the evil rulers try to suppress/avoid it ). It's time to stop embracing the darkness ourselves, the so called 'entertainment' that clouds our minds and makes us think that that stuff is normal. It's not. It's insane.

Believe me when I say that the two of us are definitely not ignoring the darker themes. Far from that. But that doesn't stop me to let go of what I used to like/enjoy in the past. The new me is different. Vincent 2.0 is an entirely different person, a better man.

It's time to throw out, bury or burn the past...

I actually burnt a bunch of books in the wood burner yesterday ( including 'Lolita', in Spanish ) and although this might have caused our respiratory issues in the night, it feels good to let go of all the so called 'literature' that doesn't serve a purpose any longer.

Here I am burning 'The Psychology of Persuasion', one of the many books that I read in the past, in an attempt to turn into the type of person I don't want to be...

It's not always easy to let go of the past but it's worth the hassle.

Now let me end this on a positive note with a couple of (family) photos, taken last week:

Me playing soccer

...with my nephew, on his 11th bday ( January the 1st )

Clare later joined us and we had a ball.

And here's a pic of my mom, seen from the back, in my twin sister's garden. This was the first time sicne 2019 that she visited us in Portugal. Back then, my dad was still around so it must have been nostalgic for her...

Clare, my mom and I enjoying a game of multi language scrabble...

And two more pics of us, smiling at each other...

Keep smiling and keep loving. The world can use more of that.


I also don't watch horror movies, there's enough shit in the world to have to deal with invented ones... I hope you had good days beside the housing issues, and good luck with the travel in case we don't read before!

You get it...
and grazie mille for your nice comment(s).✨

Second last is my favourite photo!! (love to see all the love between you)😘
Very exciting to follow your journey... I guess burning the past in a stove is a very romantic way of dealing with it:) (and I hope comes not only with smoke but plenty of new space for all the days that follow)

Thanks for sharing Vincent. Your story continues to bring tears to my eyes every time i return to it! You just look so good together.

But returning to Italy? Back to the same village or somewhere new?

A 5 days and 4 nights trip back to the city where @clareartista 's house resides ( to prepare it for a possible sale ) and afterwards who knows where...

Happy to put a smile on your face/bring tears to your eyes. I always knew I would manifest love. It just took a bit longer than planned ( and the same goes for Clare )

Sending love and good vibes to you and your family

Life is treating you well Vincent. I'm very happy for you, I'd say it felt good burning some of the past like that. It's a good way to prepare to move onto the next chapter. You and Clare look very happy together and your nephew will have loved that kick about if he's anything like my football-mad 11 year old son!

I'm so excited!! It's gonna be the best year ever, I can feel it. So much fresh energy, making space, letting go, loving and living 🚀💫❤️ you two look beautiful 😘

Looking at the pictures, it looks like you had a great time with your family. Thanks for sharing this..

New year new lights, new you smiling bright, have a safe trip to Italy 🙌

Thank you and a happy new year to you!✨

I like that kind of washing machine
I wanted to buy it three weeks ago but it was too expensive so I went for the cheaper one

I think this is probably the cheapest washing machine you can find here, in Portugal.

Why do you burn the books?

I (thought I) explained that in my post ;<)

I have read it, yes. But for me, burning a book is incomprehensible, like living in Fahrenheit 451.
I give books away when I no longer need them, either to places where people read or to antique shops.