There is a bounty program running by the Boolean Team. Under which 300 tokens could be earned.
The article must:
Contain At Least 150 Words
Mention 'Boolean', 'Booleancoin', and '', and the 'Boolean Hodlers Program'
Contain A link to and to
MUST Have The Tag 'booleancoin' and 'boolean'
MUST NOT Plagiarize
These requirements ensure that they can effectively distribute rewards to users by having 'booleancoin' and 'boolean' as search terms that they can use to find those who have written articles and it makes it so that people can't take advantage of the promotion.
You can write a max of 3 articles for which you get 300 tokens transferred to your specified address. @biddle can be contacted in case of any problem.
Hi @vikassingh, great article! I have sent your bounty to the specified address and the transaction can be tracked at:
Note that there are currently Ethereum Network delays due to network congestion. That said, once the transaction is ready to confirm, it will show up at that URL.