
Yep, might as well promote the promotion and see where you end up!

I've got nothing today, $5 booster test I think!

I see now what you were telling me yesterday about bringin down rando. Now I have mixed feelings. I wish I didn't read lol. I have a new post about it..

Oopsie :)

Make them illegal and that would solve the dilemma on if to use them or not? Until that time, I think I'll continue for the reasons we have mentioned the last few days. I still think it trumps upvoting your own comments all day, and I don't think that will become illegal anytime soon.

If that is the case, then why not make self-upvoting illegal too lol. Fair for everyone, makes the whales go out there and curate proper content?

Self up-voting comments, and still be good to 'promote' your own 3 hour masterpiece? It's tough to know what's right. Maybe the big players will leave if they can't gain easy interest on their huge investments? Maybe it would mean more interaction and better content.

I'm just going to go to the beach today :)

Tell me about it, my 3 hour masterpiece is what made me join the whalebots fun.

I know, I am confused now. Drama, people....I'm out of it. Good thing there's the beach !