Booster Scam

in #boosters3 years ago

It's funny to see how obedient and blind the majority of people are when it comes to "follow the science" as dictated by authorities who deceive you. Specifically, I'm referring to the cV10 shots and their failure that most denied at the start and many refuse to acknowledge even today.

None of the trial were setup to determine reducing hospitalization, death, infection or spread of the alleged virus. This can be known by looking the the study goals, as well as reviews from reputable scientific minds who cares to expose this.

The outcome was clear from the outset, as stated early on by Pfizer CEO: boosters, after boosters, after boosters

And this is under the false notion (not science, not fact) that the shots are even useful in the first place. They don't do anything they claim, except for the claim that they reduce mild symptoms, which is the only criteria in the trials. This also demonstrates that they actually create potential asymptomatic people, who are sick with symptoms normally and spread it, but won't show their symptoms so will spread it anyways.

Essentially, forever boosters is what this comes down to.


Enjoy your future of being injected with nasty shit and ever increasing your risk of nasty effects if you managed to dodge them the first time. You can only be lucky for so long. Maybe it will take 20 boosters of gene therapy injections before you get something serious. Good luck.