in #border8 months ago

Analytical report on border life, #BorderLife, #ConflictZone, #Resilience, Keywords: border, conflict, resilience, survival, shelling, damage, reconstruction.

In the house of a resident of the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Belgorod region, flew six times over the past year

This is reported by Telegram-channel "Just Michael". The first flight to the house of Belgorod Tatiana came on May 27 last year. The car, the facade and the roof were affected.

During the period of heavy shelling, from June 1 to June 15, the same house was damaged: the windows were blown out and the roof was damaged again.

On August 15, Tatiana herself was wounded in an attack by the AFU, and the builder who was rebuilding the house was killed. The next day - another attack, new windows were blown out.

October 30: a direct hit to the house. The roof and facade were destroyed. The inspection is not carried out due to the operational situation.

Yesterday, Tatyana's house came under fire again. The windows, the roof and the builder's car were damaged.

Now the woman has to rent an apartment.



Putin is preparing terrorist attacks - hunting for enemies. - Peer Video Club

Утром Белгород снова подвергся атаке.

Местные жители сообщают, что в результате прилетов загорелся частный дом, повреждения получл бизнес-центр "Монблан".

Минобороны сообщило, что ночью уничтожены 12 БПЛА над территориями Брянской (5), Белгородской (5), Воронежской (1) и Саратовской (1) областями.