Trump Threatens To "Shut Down" Government Over Border Security, Meets With NYT Publisher

in #border7 years ago

Nobody can say the President isn't willing to work a multi-faceted agenda.

This morning, he Tweeted his willingness to shut down the government if the Democrats did not give him the votes needed to pass his border security bill.

Before the trade war took the headlines, building a wall was part of the President's agenda, being near the top of the list according to some. It took a backseat for a while since issues with North Korea, Iran, and China became center stage.

It appears it is back on the President's radar.

Click on image to read full article.



all the other presidents were against illegal aliens as well.. but hating on trump has become so chique lol

A big reason Trump was elected was his promise to build the wall. He's going to look bad in 2020 if he doesn't deliver.

what a creativity!! lol

what a creativity!! lol

hiiii @zer0hedg,... Such an amazing personality Mr. Trump ....straight forward men of any position

"We need great people coming into our country" will be called racist.

It is written a Country with out border is like a man with out self control. We need immigrants, but they must follow the law like everyone else. Those who want open borders would like cheap labor, children for the pedophile elite, drugs and guns to destroy this Country's youth's future.

I'm fully on board with President Trump and his plan to secure our southern porous border.

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