

im extremely pro capitalism, but this post made me lol

Im sorry, i have a prescription for that, would you like the red one, or the blue one?

Upvote yourself!!! Don't waste a vote!!! lol .02 earnings threshold.

Nah, i need my principles more than i need two cents.
Even when they are really worth 8.

I want wealth and principles. Fortunately I can have both. Under anarchy armed thugs can legally kill you and take your 2 cents.

Under anarchy armed thugs can legally kill you and take your 2 cents.

Now you just said anarchy has no laws, which is true, but your doublethinc led you to say something contradictory to the words that just came out of your head.
It cant be legal if no law exists.

theres no changing my mind, I was once a communist, which sounds great in theory but it never quite works out the way its envisionsed

anarcho communism is a logical fallacy. You cant be in favor of total freedom and in favor of total control at the same time.

Did you read the book?

Ancoms want you to control you and nothing more, we dont want control over you, that is some bankster propaganda.

Theoretically you're right, but in reality no form of communism can exist in reality without having some kind of ruling class. I will read the book though. Right now isnt the best time though. ill try it tomorrow at work