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RE: State House, Cemetery, Snow, Edgar Allen Poe, Tobacco

in #boston7 years ago

I love the Poe statue! I'm glad you enjoy your job! That's a huge bonus.
In Denver ages ago, they dug up a cemetery to make it a park. They moved the bodies to other cemeteries, apparently, but supposedly didn't get them all. I've always loved that park ...when I learned that, I realized why. I love cemeteries. 😁 Of course, the park (Cheesman) now lands on all the "haunted Denver" tours and maps.


Isn't it strange, the way the dead stick around forever.

In Bill Bryson's At Home he writes about why all the ancient English churches look like they're sunk into the ground. It's because all of the bodies have decayed into the soil and then had more bodies planted inside them!

You know about the City of the Dead in the Paris catacombs?