The bot name is MazeBot.
As located with the hosting server to download by
And the backup of other link as with the url of
The bot helps as might the user or the executor of bot to gains with the chance as collecting credit to works as funding the player games of online ding dong scenes to receives to Bitcoin account or with the different chance as occupying email payment transfers.
The bot should helps as generating $100 to $400 credit for the terms of 1- 3 years of backup coverage session.
Different player with the use of wallet plays as expending the range of sums with the coins to pay of fees with the distro and more as supporting skins attribute of the player's character also to use with the chance on betting with the roulette and more of table games as the offers from different distro of developer on supports.
User of bot might wants to create new bitcoin account to receives credit as transfering them to the players account.
As might to secure of chance on user as not to lose with the risks as the decision on not to put with the entry as submitting old or active bitcoin account with the funds being held with the account.
User might use to wait of several times as expecting the active transfer from the Maze distro with the confirmation email to receives to email id of the address as submitted to the form.
Report from showing of results that the MazeBot is clean and contains of no risks with the threat of virus, trojan or even the malicious wares that user might feels of the comfort as the guarantee of the safe and clean status from the VirusTotal distro of the wellknown reputated.
Please feel free as the general user agreement to gains of more with involvesment to begins with the moderation of works with the Maze bot as appreciating goods on deliverance with the performance of work as the running of GUI console of interface template with the contrast gesture on maximum chance with the option as the inspecting with personal preference as displacing level of affection.
Greeting from supporter of MazeBot,
if the game DEV find out about bot. the punishment can be really great. nobody should use bot for there main account.