Steemit Bot Request!! Private MSG Notification of Spelling Errors

in #bot7 years ago

Wouldn't You Like a Short (Private) Message When You Spell a Word Wrong?

Not something others can see, since it would use the private messaging feature of Steemit. A super short notice like...

The word <;alkdsf> is spelled <;aalkdsf>

Since I've Never Written a Bot Before

I'm curious as to what would need to be included

  • dictionary
  • spell check routine on new comments/posts
  • steemit account
  • posting routine

How would edited comments be handled?

  • Would they already be included with 'new content' spellchecking?
    What's the maximum transaction fee for a private comment?
  • Is the amount tied to the length of the msg??
    How many incorrectly spelled words are posted daily?
  • LOL Seriously though. ;)
