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RE: Fyrstikken and @booster bot just declared war on #newsteem

in #bots6 years ago

No, You cannot write this headline and this content which is not true, @lordbutterfly

We have NOT declared any WAR. We have had to RESPOND to a group who declared WAR against bidbots users instead of taking CURATION seriously with the new tools you all have available.

We have clearly invited to DIALOGUE for the purpose of MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and Co Operation with good forces on STEEM which we are CO-OWNERS of. is our discord, since the beginning of STEEM, and you are invited to come and be part of a constructive dialogue with my creator and my competitors as long as you and your friends behave civil and respectful we will do the same.

We do not seek war - we seek dialogue, understanding and peace

Post Downvoted for misleading headline and incorrect/not precise content.

No Personal attack - we wish you success on steem, but do not make up lies and present them as truth.

Be truthful, and you shall have our respect!


Here's a fact: society is people. Bots are not people. People have opinions, make judgements, and craft society thereby. Bots undertaking these roles degrade humanity, equating humanity with mere devices.

Doing so is your business model. Your business model is degradation of humanity for profit.

Degrading humanity is not 'dialogue, understanding and peace.' It is an act of war.

This is compelling cause to utterly eradicate your business model. I recommend you undertake a different business model.

This comment is flagged for degrading humanity, deception, and profiteering.

Hi @valued-customer

It's hard not to agree with you buddy. Society is people, not bots.

Watch out, they are "Violent real people.".

Screen Shot 20190831 at 2.38.33 PM.png

@gangstalking belong in prison and is going to end up in one, @joshman.

We do not respect people who throw dogs out the windows, barricading themselves in other peoples homes, making threats on the Internet and stalking members of the STEEM community.

It is not hard to take the steps to have law enforcement track him down, a judge & jury to stand trial in front and a prison to be delivered into.

We think he should come to his senses before he need a defense attorney and end up in a prison full of violent people.

We do not respect people who threaten others. Especially with real-life consequences.

Do stop self voting when you post apologetics for your violent threats. The threats are free speech, and easy to discount and ignore.

Your profiteering via stake weighting reduces the commons all depend on for actual curation and the rewards that encourage content creation, marketing Steem, and potentiate capital gains. It's highly objectionable, and flagged as a result.

never used bots, never researched bots, never really looked who owns what and who upvotes what because i had no way to change whatever but seeking dialogue with "Do NOT FORGET that I - BOOSTER - Have MANY MANY Friends with A LOT OF STEEM-POWER (Including my own stash) - and if you CHALLENGE us, we will DESTROY YOU as we have destroyed EVERYONE who have interfered in our BUSINESS in the PAST!" is like seeking dialogue with Lichtenstein but mentioning if they do not do what you ask in that dialogue you have some nuclear rockets around. Not a great way to start a dialogue.

is our discord, since the beginning of STEEM, and you are invited to come and be part of a constructive dialogue with my creator and my competitors as long as you and your friends behave civil and respectful we will do the same.

Until you get booted for having a dissenting opinion,...

I can write a title in what ever sensationalist way i want. It does not make it untrue.

Ive been following what you do and say for a while now. Ive seen you threaten people with physical violence,
ive seen you threaten devs with retaliation based on changes they announced in Dtube . (@heimindanger in @dtube chat)

You initiated no dialog here and only threatened to retaliate. I screenshotted what you wrote.
Which is ofc your right.
I have actually anticipated that booster will be the one to retaliate against downvoters and have repeated it many times. Ive pinged you quite a few times over it.
Guess how i knew youd be the one?

You will have no visit from me. I do not care what you have to say. Bots are detrimental to steem and i want your business to fail.
We have no common ground and nothing to discuss.
Change your business model and ill support it but when you sell votes and claim how "shitposts are good!" because they mean profits for Booster i have absolutely nothing to say to you or we have anything to discuss.

LMAO at threatening destruction followed by an invitation to the lions den for a polite chat, but it's not war. GTFO

business as usual

Just look at what they did to golos,...