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RE: Automation Associations ( Transmissions from the Hunab-Kru )

in #bots2 years ago

i honestly don't understand how you can think it's perfectly okay to suck yourself into the pool for free and even without playing yourself. you knew it was a promotion to attract new players. are you new to the game? no, you're not, so you must have exploited it on purpose, knowing that you would take a spot away from a potential new player. up to this point, i would still completely tolerate it, if the system allows it then it's nfty's own fault. but that you're now portraying yourself as the victim of the story, i find really brazen!


am portraying myself as a person who was aware of the situation after the fact, while being honest about the steps that got me there. The referencing of witch hunting refers to the many people's who were effected as well as myself, new to the game no, new to NFTy yes, wasnt familiar with what they were offering until eye did it myself and learned about my unconscious violation of terms after the fact. This situation is about being responsible on both sides and building trust as actual peoples who can see each other clearer after going through these experiences together. After this last season of experimentation eym an automation PRO person, do eye seek to take advantage of others with this tech, NO. Do eye seek to grow healthy new relationships based on experience, shared with others YES. Do eye wish to gain trust by presenting myself clearly as possible and representing my personal experiences the way eye saw them, YES. The power of transparency is a marvellous thing, because its about taking ownership of ones actions.

on a different note, your pointed assumption of my previously knowing of NFTys intentions and me actively attempting to exploit with intent is the witch hunt eye speak of. With no accurate knowledge u come in seemingly aggressive and justified. What ownership of your response and its direction can u take based on the relationship ur building with me now...?

is this how you seek to be seen, angry, justified and assumptive, doesnt feel like a safe and sustainable set of values to build lasting trust by.
Wronging others only shows the relationship one has in ones own head and heart, towards ones self...

hiding behind ones avatar for protection, is the way of the fearful, if we shared the same physical space, would u attempt to speak with venom or compassion, is a resolution to the conflict ur true wishes, or is it demonization of my integrity and representation of self....

eye am quite glad to be an example of how we can treat each other even in a state of disharmony or disagreement, as we find our footing we have a great chance to grow through all these issues, if we trust the process....

wish u wellbeing

Thank you for sharing your perspective on this. I'm glad for the insight gained on how all type of players are interacting with the game, lessons learned, and hopefully we can work on improving the new player experience, provide people with an onboarding worthy of this fine game, enjoy the community, and perhaps enjoy this journey.

feels so good to be here thank you for responding