Hi !
This is an automatic message.
According to SteemData, you have now used #introduceyourself 4 times.
once. Please consider other, appropriate tags.You might not be aware of this, but #introduceyourself is mainly used by new accounts, to introduce themselves
good boy :)
Welcome @felixxx, I've followed you, resteemed, upvoted, sent you a tip and bought you a ticket to steemfest. Please do the same for me :)
Love how meta this is!
@cryptofunk you rock. hahaha
Scheint zu funktionieren! Gut, dass du das hier nochmal getestet hast... ^^ Ich würde im Kommentar des Bots nur eine Leerzeile nach "times." oder ein "<hr>" machen. Sieht dann glaube ich ansprechender aus. Vielleicht noch ein Icon "Info" oder so hinzufügen, dann sehen die Leute den Kommentar auf jeden Fall besser.
haha, I though this was funny, right? it pick up the tag with suffixed as "-abuse"
until I read your other comment and found you did have the tag in the post before and remove. :-)
heheh. Sometimes, it happens.
This was quite funny :D
In case anybody wonders, why I introduced myself 4 times:
All cases were accidental. I mentioned the tag in my post and it was automatically added to tags. I have removed the tag in every case and have effectively never introduced myself on Steemit.