It doesn't take a genius though to look at this post comments...
Because I ACTUALLY READ people's post, I spend time researching post, I look at the links....what a concept huh?
This is a bit patronizing. I have better shit to do than examine people's posts in minute detail. If you have evidence and are taking the time to research posts, catalog it and share the evidence. Failing that, I'm not interested in being insulted and reading hearsay.
Wow, you know how many post I've debunk or found dead end links attached to them? You people would believe everything out there and then run around misinformed telling people you read it somewhere so it must be true. It's not patronizing, it's the truth, Whatsup even admits she does it. The problem is people just want the easy money. If that wasn't true all the way down from corporate they'd never made an auto's a I don't have the time but I don't want to miss the gravy train concept. It deserves every bit of patronizing it can get for it's the very reason this site is failing, people don't actually engage they grab and go.
Well then, I guess you'd better find someone else willing to be patronized.
Um...I am not following you therefore if this isn't your site then I will do all the patronizing I want in response to any comments you make out in the general vicinity of other's post. I don't intend on following have no fear of me outing you.