
the question is why do you want anyone to care for you? Do you think they actually care for you? It's a myth/

Ah it's not a myth that people care for other people. They may not care for you or me but people do care for other people.
I think i care because I'm human. I need other humans to have some kind of feelings towards me, good or bad, to feel alive.

I disagree there. Not because I want to argue. But I think the feeling of love and wanting someone is based on one's own fear of living alone. Human beings have to fragment as a community and start living alone more for this world to be more sustainable. Which means less sex, less interaction. We are like rats now - breeding and eating all the garbage. There's beauty in solitude and there's strength in it. One has to go back to human roots. Hunting, gathering, living on fruits, honey, raw meat etc. language is like's made socialising go on speed. We should go back to sign language too...and squeak and show gestures to communicate and for warfare we should use stones...

We will get there's only a matter of time. Even if there's no thermo nuclear warfare, we will know how to dismantle what we've built. Progress is going backwards, not going forward. Love and compassion is pretentious. Love and compassion is about dinning out every second night, going on holidays to resorts, watching large scale ochestrated sports mainly driven by consumerism. I'm not being negative. There's no point reforming. A Nuclear Weapon is the most progressive thing man has ever made. It beats the bread and the pill!

If you believe that, why don't you find a jungle and live there on your own instead of being here talking to me. Yeah i agree we should do some things the old ways but common man. You want to get rid of language and fight wars with stones? And at the same time nukes are good?
I think maybe your typing for the sake of typing.

You are missing the sequence. First comes the thermo nuclear war. Then comes ruins and from the ruins will emerge people that speak to each other in sign language...and if there's a future war, it will only be fought with stones. That's where we are headed to.

Ok. Ile stick to wanting to interact with people over machines.
You might want to take some time out alone as you said people need do that for the benefit of the planet.